In this lab we'll start to build a chatbot using Watson Assistant. This basic chatbot will recommend a new mobile phone for a user based on their feedback about previous experiences they've had with phones.
- Introduction to Watson Assistant
- Setup the Watson Assistant service
- Understanding user intent: create intents and entities
- Building chatbot responses: create a dialog tree
- Test your chatbot!
IBM Watson Assistant allows you to create cognitive chatbots that you can customise for your business, and deploy them across multiple channels to bring help to your customers where and when they need it.
Most chatbots try to mimic human interactions, which can frustrate users when a misunderstanding arises. Watson Assistant is more. It knows when to search for an answer from a knowledge base, when to ask for clarity, and when to direct you to a human.
Anyone can build chatbots with Watson Assistant - it comes pre-trained with industry-relevant content, can make sense of your historical chat or call logs, and has a visual dialog editor. Industry-leading AI powers the underlying natural language models that understand your users and provides training recommendations as you build and run your chatbot. And you have the flexibility to deploy Watson Assistant within your own site, in a mobile app, and via many messaging channels and customer service tools.
In this section we are going to create a Watson Assistant instance on IBM Cloud, and use it to build a basic chatbot that answers queries about mobile phones.
(1) Log into IBM Cloud and create a Watson Assistant service.
- Click on
, then filter by clicking onAI
- Select
Watson Assistant
(2) Create the service with a unique name: we'd suggest something like Watson Assistant-eventname-yourinitials
, e.g. Watson Assistant-DSA-GRW
A significant number of IBM Cloud's capabilities work using a freemium-type model called a Lite
plan. This means that you can experiment with cloud and AI services - including building live applications such as the chatbot we'll create here - at no cost.
Scroll down and ensure you are using the Lite
plan, then hit Create
(3) Launch the Watson Assistant tool by clicking on Launch tool
(1) The first thing we need to do in Watson Assistant is create your first Assistant. An Assistant will contain a Skill which has the training data and the machine learning logic to enable your chatbot to understand and help users and customers.
Hit Create assistant
to create your first assistant.
Give your Assistant a name such as Phone Advisor Assistant
and Create
Now that you have created your assistant you will need to create a dialog skill where you will be adding the constructs such as Intents, Entities and Dialogs for your chat bot. Click on Add dialog skills
to get started
Give your skill a name such as Phone Advisor Skill
and then click Create dialog skill
and you're ready to rock and roll!
(2) Create the chatbot Intents.
An intent represents the purpose of a user's input. By recognising the intent expressed by a user, Watson Assistant can choose the correct dialog flow to use to respond to it. To plan the intents for your application, you need to consider what your chatbot users might want to do, and what you want your application to be able to handle.
Choosing the correct intent for a user's input is the first step in providing a useful response. The intents you identify for your application will determine the dialog flows you need to create; they also might determine which back-end systems your application needs to integrate with in order to complete customer requests (such as customer databases or payment-processing systems).
Click on the skill you created to build intent
Select Create intent
to get started, and create an intent name of greeting. You can add a description for your intent here if you wish.
(3) Once you've hit Create Intent
, you need to add multiple user examples of how a user might greet your bot, e.g.:
good morning
good afternoon
good evening
Feel free to add a few more variations of your own.
(4) Repeat this process for our next intent named positive
- Intent name:
- Description:
Expressing positive opinion about mobile phones
- User examples:
Style is important to me
I care about looks
I like Galaxy phones
I love Apple
I need good battery life
I prefer Google
I want a good looking phone
I want a great battery
The new Samsung looks great
What we are doing here is providing Watson Assistant with examples of what a user might say when they are expressing a positive opinion about a particular phone brand, or the key attribute they are looking for in a phone. As with any machine learning or cognitive service, the more examples you provide - a larger training set - the more accurate your chatbot will be in identifying user intent.
Your positive
intent should look something like this:
Feel free to add a few more variations of your own.
(5) Repeat this process twice more for the following intents:
Intent name:
Expressing negative opinion about mobile phones
User examples:
Google sucks
Apple is the worst
I don't care about style
I'm not bothered about battery life
Not concerned with looks
I do not like iPhones
I hate Samsung
Intent name:
Expressing intent to buy or get advice about buying a new phone
User examples:
I am interested in buying a new phone
I'm looking for a new phone
I need a new phone
I want advice regarding phones
I'd like to replace my phone
Can you recommend a phone
What's the best phone available
Once you've created these, your Intents screen should look something like this:
(6) Now let's create some Entities.
An entity represents a term or object in the user's input that provides context for a particular intent. If intents represent verbs (something a user wants to do), entities represent nouns (such as the object of, or the context for, an action).
Entities make it possible for a single intent to represent multiple specific actions. For example in our case, the positive
intent can be used with entities to recognise positive feeling about different mobile phones or their attributes. So in effect, an entity defines a class of objects, with specific values representing the possible objects in that class.
Click on Create entity
, then enter a entity name of brand
and hit Create entity
(7) Enter a value name of Apple
, and then select Recomend Synonyms
We do this because it highlights how Watson Assistant can also recommend synonyms for your entity values. The recommender finds related synonyms based on contextual similarity extracted from a vast body of existing information, and uses natural language processing techniques to identify words similar to the existing synonyms in your entity value.
As you might expect, synonyms allow us to use multiple values to represent a single value. In this case, we will translate the use of either Apple or iPhone to a @brand
value of Apple
, so select iphone
from the list presented, and then hit Add selected
Now select Add value
to add Apple to your @brand
(8) Repeat the process for these values:
(with synonympixel
(with synonymsgalaxy
Note that you can add your own synonyms too. You'll need to do this when adding the Samsung and Google values and their synonyms to your @brand
entity. Feel free to include more phone brands here if you like. When you've finished it should look something like this:
(9) You can also use pattern matching when creating entity values. This is really helpful if you want to pick up entities that have specific formats, e.g. phone numbers or website addresses.
Take a look at the Watson Assistant documentation if you want to know more.
(10) Create another entity, named attribute
, with these values:
(with synonymbattery life
(with synonymslooks
(1) The next step is to create a dialog tree.
A dialog uses the intents and entities that are identified in the user's input, plus context from the application that uses Watson Assistant, to interact with the user and ultimately provide a useful response. Our dialog tree should help the user choose a new mobile phone based on an existing preference or a characteristic important to the user.
(2) Select Dialog
from the side menu bar, and you should see this.
(3) Welcome
and Anything else
nodes will be automatically generated for you. The former is used to initialise the dialog with the user, and the latter catches any user input that we don't provide a specific response for within our chatbot.
Modify the Welcome
node so it welcomes the user with the message Hello. I am a mobile phone advisor. How can I help you?
by selecting the node, then changing the Then Respond With field.
Note the next few images in this section will come from an older Watson Assistant User Interface but logic will remain the same
Now hit the plus sign next to welcome
, change the operator from and
to or
, and add the #greeting
intent to If assistant recognizes:
These tests ensure that we will always provide a welcome response when the dialog first starts, or when someone 'greets' the chatbot.
You can leave the Anything Else
node with its default settings.
(4) Next, create a Help node by selecting Add Node
. Name it Help
, and set the response to Can I help you with something else?
. We'll use this node to ask the user if they want to ask us another question, after we've satisfied a previous query.
(5) Now we'll construct a New Phone
node, which will pick up the user's intent to ask for help with a new phone recommendation. We'll then ask the user what they are looking for in a new phone, and then look for positive or negative responses based on our previously built intents, as well as picking up either a brand name or a phone attribute defined by our entities. Our recommendation response will then differ, and be dependent on the user's feedback.
tart by adding a new node New Phone
, which is invoked if the #newphone
intent is recognised. Add a couple of responses confirming that the chatbot understands in the Then Respond With field:
I understand you want to choose a new phone.
So you'd like some help choosing a new phone.
Now click Set to random
. This will randomly present one of these two responses to the user when we pick up the #newphone
intent, adding a bit of variety.
(6) Next add a child node to your New Phone
node. You can do this by selecting the New phone
node and choosing the Add Child Node
option at the top of the dialog tree, or by selecting the three dots on the New phone
node and then Add Child Node
from the popup menu.
Call this child node Ask User Preference
, ensure it is called If assistant recognizes true
, and enter these two responses:
What's your current phone like? Does it have features you like or dislike?
Tell something good or bad about your current phone, or what particular attributes you like in a phone.
Using true
in this way ensures we will always execute the logic in a node (i.e. we're not going to test for any conditions). In this case it means we'll send one of these two responses whenever we reach this point in the dialog.
This node is asking the user what they like/dislike about their phone. We'll add some more logic to this soon, but in order to drop into this child node directly from the New Phone
node (i.e. without waiting for a further user response), we need to instruct the New Phone
node to not wait for any user input.
Select the New phone
node and change the And finally option to Skip User Input
(7) Finally, we need to create four child nodes of the Ask User Preference
node that will ultimately decide the chatbot's response to the user's input. When completed it will look like this:
(8) The Brand Positive
node should recognise a #positive
intent together with a @brand
entity - essentially looking for positive feelings about a brand - and then respond with a recommendation.
Add a child node to the Ask User Preference
node. When you edit this and each of the other child nodes you are about to add here, you should ensure that you allow for multiple responses by first selecting Customize
from the top right, ensure Multiple responses
is set to On
, then hit Apply
Now name the node Brand Positive
, and ensure it's called If assistant recognizes both a #positive
intent and a @brand
entity. Then configure the responses like this:
If assistant recognizes | Respond with |
@brand:Apple |
If you like Apple you could get the iPhone XR. It's pretty cool. |
@brand:Google |
A Google fan, huh? I'd probably go for the Pixel 3. |
@brand:Samsung |
If you like Samsung I'd recommend a new Galaxy S9. |
After we've provided a response to the user, we want to make sure we ask them if they need any more help. Edit the And finally section so that we Jump to
to our Help
node. Choose Respond
after you've selected Help
as the destination node for the jump:
(9) Now create the Brand Negative
child node. It should look pretty much like Brand Positive
, except it will test for a #negative
intent and a @brand
entity. You can create this node from scratch as before, or you can Duplicate
the Brand Positive
node and customise it as described here.
Use responses like these if you get negative sentiment about a brand:
If assistant recognizes | Respond with |
@brand:Apple |
If you don't like Apple you could go for an Android phone, maybe a Samsung Galaxy S9 or Google Pixel 3. |
@brand:Google |
If you don't like Google but want to stay with Android, try a Samsung Galaxy S9, or if you fancy a change, maybe a new iPhone XR? |
@brand:Samsung |
If you want to steer away from Samsung but stay with Android then you could try a Google Pixel 3, or for a change you could go for a new iPhone XR. |
(10) For the Attribute Positive
child node look for #positive
intent and an @attribute
entity, using responses similar to these:
If assistant recognizes | Respond with |
@attribute:battery |
If you need a long battery life then go retro! There's an updated Nokia 3310 out now. |
@attribute:style |
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder... but the Huawei P20 Pro looks very cool. |
Don't forget to Jump to
to your Help
node again for both of the Brand Negative
and Attribute Positive
child nodes!
(11) The final child node should be a catch-all for any user input we don't understand in this dialog branch. It should test for anything_else
, and respond with I'm not sure I understand.
This time, because we know the user is interested in a phone recommendation but we couldn't classify their feedback regarding their existing phone, instead of jumping to the Help
node, we should ask the user to try providing feedback again. We do this by setting And finally to Jump to
the Ask User Preference
node and Respond
(1) You can test your dialog inside the Watson Assistant application. Select the Try It
button at the top right of the screen to enter the dialog tester:
(2) Try and test all of your dialog branches. It'll look something like this:
See how Watson Assistant is picking out the intents and entities it sees in the user input, and responds accordingly.
(3) If you enter something Watson Assistant doesn't recognise - or if it's interpreting it incorrectly - you have the chance to further train Watson. In the example below I've entered My Galaxy is very average
. Watson Assistant is currently seeing this as positive, when in reality it's probably a fairly negative statement.
At this point, as I understand that saying something is 'very average' is probably indicative of a negative user intent, we can select #negative
from the drop down menu:
When we do this, Watson retrains our skill by adding this text as another example to our #negative
intent. After training is complete, a similar user response will now work! If you check your #negative
intent you'll also see that the new example has been added to it.
Well done!
You've built a basic cognitive chatbot that understands user intent, can pick out entities, and responds differently depending on user feedback. You've also seen how you can easily train IBM Watson so it can continue to improve, and provide a better user experience.