Breaking changes
Migrating from 7.x to 8.0 is painless. The only breaking change is the default export. If you have previously done something like this:
import { Spring, animated, ... } from 'react-spring'
Then you will now do:
import { Spring, animated, ... } from 'react-spring/renderprops'
And if you have previously used hooks like so:
import { useSpring, animated, ... } from 'react-spring/hooks'
You will now do:
import { useSpring, animated, ... } from 'react-spring'
The lib comes with the following exports:
web (web/hooks, default for react-dom)
native (react-native/hooks, default for react-native)
renderprops-web (previously "web")
renderprops-native (previously "native")
renderprops-addons (previously "addons")
renderprops-konva (previously "konva")
renderprops-universal (previously "universal")
For commonjs, add ".cjs"
Both render-props and hooks will be kept and maintained for the forseeable future.
useTransition(items, keys, config)