Open source ERP and BPM platform. (Docker image)
This Docker image is meant to be used with PostgreSQL. So for that, there are some tasks that utilize docker-compose to startup Axelor and a PostgreSQL server.
To use them, you need to install Taskfile first.
Then you can execute and it will show the logs from PostgreSQL:
task dev:start-postgres
Use another terminal to call:
task dev:start-axelor
The Axelor logs are also show. But it takes some time to start up Axelor.
When you're done, execute
task dev:stop-axelor
task dev:stop-postgres
task dev:remove-volumes # If you want to remove the volumes also
If it fails to remove some, check the names with docker volume list
If you want to run in inside Kubernetes, check this out:
The docker-compose.yaml uses only some configuration options. To get all possible values, see here:
These volumes are used to mount:
- Axelor data: /opt/data
- Tomcat data: /bitnami/tomcat/webapps
You should mount them, so that Axelor hasn't to be redeployed every time the container starts.
First login
Username: admin Password: admin