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Final output examples

Pablo Nevares edited this page Mar 4, 2018 · 1 revision

When a tweet couldn't be posted because it's an exact duplicate, Twitter says...

Preparing tweet for Danielleri 970025608095911936
[ { data: { errors: [Array] },
     IncomingMessage {
       _readableState: [ReadableState],
       readable: false,
       domain: null,
       _events: [Object],
       _eventsCount: 2,
       _maxListeners: undefined,
       socket: [TLSSocket],
       connection: [TLSSocket],
       httpVersionMajor: 1,
       httpVersionMinor: 1,
       httpVersion: '1.1',
       complete: true,
       headers: [Object],
       rawHeaders: [Array],
       trailers: {},
       rawTrailers: [],
       upgrade: false,
       url: '',
       method: null,
       statusCode: 403,
       statusMessage: 'Forbidden',
       client: [TLSSocket],
       _consuming: true,
       _dumped: false,
       req: [ClientRequest],
       request: [Request],
       toJSON: [Function: responseToJSON],
       caseless: [Caseless],
       read: [Function] } } ]

On a successful Tweet, Twitter says...

Preparing tweet for Danielleri 970025608095911936
[ { data:
     { created_at: 'Sun Mar 04 15:03:11 +0000 2018',
       id: 970313714283954200,
       id_str: '970313714283954181',
       text: 'i had never played \nthese before so this is all \nnew great to me lol \n',
       truncated: false,
       entities: [Object],
       source: '<a href="" rel="nofollow">WaypointHaikus</a>',
       in_reply_to_status_id: null,
       in_reply_to_status_id_str: null,
       in_reply_to_user_id: null,
       in_reply_to_user_id_str: null,
       in_reply_to_screen_name: null,
       user: [Object],
       geo: null,
       coordinates: null,
       place: null,
       contributors: null,
       is_quote_status: true,
       quoted_status_id: 970025608095912000,
       quoted_status_id_str: '970025608095911936',
       quoted_status: [Object],
       retweet_count: 0,
       favorite_count: 0,
       favorited: false,
       retweeted: false,
       possibly_sensitive: false,
       lang: 'en' },
     IncomingMessage {
       _readableState: [ReadableState],
       readable: false,
       domain: null,
       _events: [Object],
       _eventsCount: 2,
       _maxListeners: undefined,
       socket: [TLSSocket],
       connection: [TLSSocket],
       httpVersionMajor: 1,
       httpVersionMinor: 1,
       httpVersion: '1.1',
       complete: true,
       headers: [Object],
       rawHeaders: [Array],
       trailers: {},
       rawTrailers: [],
       upgrade: false,
       url: '',
       method: null,
       statusCode: 200,
       statusMessage: 'OK',
       client: [TLSSocket],
       _consuming: true,
       _dumped: false,
       req: [ClientRequest],
       request: [Request],
       toJSON: [Function: responseToJSON],
       caseless: [Caseless],
       read: [Function] } } ]
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