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sdb2aztbl - Data converter to Windows Azure Table from Amazon Web Services SimpleDB

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sdb2aztbl - Data converter to Windows Azure Table from Amazon Web Services SimpleDB

The sdb2aztbl is data migration commandline tool to Windows Azure Table storage from Amazon SimpleDB!


Apache License Version 2.0

Supported Environments

Targeted platforms

  • Amazon Linux
  • CentOS
  • Ubuntu Linux
  • Windows XP or later
  • Mac OS X

Required software

  • node.js v0.8 or later.


node sdb2aztbl.js --config settings.json [--tables table1,table2...] [--awsKey aws_access_key] [--awsSecret aws_secret_key]
[--sdbHostName] [--azureAccount azure_account]
[--azureSecret azure_secret] [--partitionKey azure_storage_partition_key_template] 
[--rowKey azure_storage_partition_key_template] 


Arg Description Example
config Configration file of sdb2aztbl.
sdbHostName Migration source AWS SimpleDB's region endpoint. The default value are Tokyo region.
awsKey Key of AWS
awsSecret Sercret key of AWS
tables Migration source domain name (or table name) to be migrated, comma delimited.
azureAccount Migration destination Windows Azure Table storage account name.
azureSecret Migration destination Windows Azure Table storage account sercret key.
partitionKey Format string of the Windows Azure Table's partition key. "%Attribute1%-%Attribute2%"
rowKey Format string of the Windows Azure Table's row key. "%Attribute1%-%Attribute2%"

You can formatting value of partitionKey and rowKey. See also "About partionKey and rowKey" section.

Configration file

The sdb2aztbl can configured other details from setting.json. If you configured arguments and settings.json both, an arguments is preferred priority over settings.json.

    "awsKey": "<Your Key of AWS>",
    "awsSecret": "<Your Secret key of AWS>",
    "sdbHostName": "",
    "azureAccount": "<Your Windows Azure Table storage account name>",
    "azureSecret": "<Your Windows Azure Table storage account secret key>",
    "tables": {
          "Amazon SimpleDB's domain name or table name": {
          "replace": {
              "PartitionKey": "%Attribute1%-%Attribute2%",
              "RowKey": "%Attribute1%-%Attribute2%"
         "type": {
              "IntAttribute": "Edm.Int32",
              "Int64Attribute": "Edm.Int64",
              "DoubleAttribute": "Edm.Double",
              "BoolAttribute": "Edm.Boolean",
              "GUIDAttribute": "Edm.Guid",
              "DateTimeAttribute": "Edm.DateTime"
         "where": "`BoolTest` = '1'"

About partitionKey and rowKey

You can formatting value of partitionKey and rowKey.

"partitionKey": "Any value of the fixed"

You will output the value of any directly. In the following example, The partitionKey combined FirstName and LastName attribute of SimpleDB.

"partitionKey": "%FirstName% %LastName%"

Special identifier

Identifier Value
"%$ItemName%" ItemName() row of AWS SimpleDB.
"%$Identity%" Sequence number of zero origin.
"%$Guid%" Generate new GUID.

It is also possible to use a combination of several of these features.


If the value of the Attribute FirstName of SimpleDB was ** PNOP **, PartitionKey similar to the following is generated.


About type key

When you import, you can specify the type explicitly. The sdb2aztbl will import as a Edm.String If not specified. The type can be one of the following types that can be specified in the Windows Azure.

  • Edm.String
  • Edm.Int32
  • Edm.Int64
  • Edm.Double
  • Edm.Boolean
  • Edm.Guid
  • Edm.DateTime

Notes: You do not designate type a partitionKey and rowKey.

tables define

    "tables": {
          "Migration source Amazon SimpleDB's domain name": {
          "replace": {
              "PartitionKey": "%Attribute1%-%Attribute2%",
              "RowKey": "%Attribute1%-%Attribute2%"
         "type": {
              "PartitionKey": "Edm.String",
              "RowKey": "Edm.String",
              "IntAttribute": "Edm.Int32",
              "Int64Attribute": "Edm.Int64",
              "DoubleAttribute": "Edm.Double",
              "BoolAttribute": "Edm.Boolean",
              "GUIDAttribute": "Edm.Guid",
              "DateTimeAttribute": "Edm.DateTime"
         "where": "`BoolTest` = '1'"


The sdb2aztbl's error detail output to standard error output. And sdb2aztbl stop immediately when caught the exception. (ex: string cannot be used for import)

How to install node.js on Windows / Max OS X

You can get the installer from node.js install according to the installation wizard after download.

How to install node.js on Linux

You can using The node.js distribute built binary to user environment after install.

bash install stable
bash use stable


sdb2aztbl - Data converter to Windows Azure Table from Amazon Web Services SimpleDB






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