Automate your runbooks, one step at a time
Inspired by
- Converts a markdown file into interactive steps
- Saves results into another markdown file
- On 100% automated, saves results into a script file instead
- Runbooks should be interactive with timestamps
- 1 runbook <=> 1 markdown file
- Directions should be in readable English
- Sublists are marked like 1.1.3 (first step, first substep, third sub-substep)
- Go back one step
- On 100% automated, saves results into a script file instead
- Saved files have tasks with
- Timestamp of when tasks were completed
- How long tasks took
- Whether tasks were completed, skipped, or not done
- Transclusion syntax: Include the file in your
- Include another gradual list with /relative/path/to/source file, as long as that file ends with .md.
- Then you can reference any section or step
- How will this interact with mdx?
- How would you reference other documents (i.e. imports)
- Migrate to rust
There are many ideas for how to have executable runbooks.