- About
- Installing this module
- Configuring a collection
- Module Inputs
- Module Outputs
- Assumptions
- Step Function
- Local Development
bignbit is a Cumulus module that can be installed as a post-ingest workflow to generate browse imagery via Harmony and then transfer that imagery to GIBS.
In general, the high level steps are:
- For each configured variable within the granule being processed, generate browse imagery via Harmony and store it in S3.
- Generate a browse image metadata file for GIBS for each image produced by Harmony.
- Construct a CNM message for each image that includes the image, metadata, and optional world file
- Send the CNM messages to GIBS via SQS.
- Wait for GIBS to process the CNM messages and send a success or failure response back to an SNS topic.
- Record the result of GIBS processing in S3.
- Add a post-ingest workflow to the cumulus ingest workflow. For example:
{ "StartAt":"BIGChoice", "States":{ "BIGChoice":{ "Type":"Choice", "Choices":[ { "And":[ { "Variable":"$.meta.collection.meta.workflowChoice.browseimage", "IsPresent":true }, { "Variable":"$.meta.collection.meta.workflowChoice.browseimage", "BooleanEquals":true } ], "Next":"QueueGranulesToBIG" } ], "Default":"BIGSucceed" }, "QueueGranulesToBIG":{ "Parameters":{ "cma":{ "event.$":"$", "task_config":{ "provider":"{$.meta.provider}", "internalBucket":"{$.meta.buckets.internal.name}", "stackName":"{$.meta.stack}", "granuleIngestWorkflow":"BrowseImageWorkflow", "queueUrl": "${aws_sqs_queue.big_background_job_queue.id}" } } }, "Type":"Task", "Resource":"${module.cumulus.queue_granules_task.task_arn}", "Retry":[ { "ErrorEquals":[ "States.ALL" ], "IntervalSeconds":5, "MaxAttempts":3 } ], "Catch":[ { "ErrorEquals":[ "States.ALL" ], "ResultPath":"$.exception", "Next":"BIGFail" } ], "Next": "BIGSucceed" }, "BIGFail":{ "Type":"Fail" }, "BIGSucceed":{ "Type":"Succeed" } }
- Add a new terraform script to the
scripts used to deploy cumulus. This script should define the bignbit module and the bignbit step function state machine. See an example in browse_image_workflow.tf. - Configure one or more collections
- Add config file to the
. The file should be named "collection shortname.cfg" and the contents should be JSON - Associate the UMM-C record to the appropriate Harmony service (HyBIG, net2cog, etc...)
bignbit uses the user owned bucket parameter
when making Harmony requests. If an existing bucket is configured for the bignbit_staging_bucket
parameter, it must
have a bucket policy that allows Harmony write permission and GIBS read permission. If bignbit_staging_bucket
is left blank, bignbit will
create a new S3 bucket (named svc-${var.app_name}-${var.prefix}-staging
) and apply the correct permissions automatically.
This bucket will also automatically expire objects older than 30 days.
bignbit uses the harmony-py library to construct the Harmony requests for generating images. Most of the parameters
are extracted from the CMA message as a granule is being processed but the width
and height
can be set via configuration. Each variable configured for imaging will result in a unique call to Harmony.
See bignbit.submit_harmony_job.generate_harmony_request
for details on how the Harmony request is constructed.
This module uses the following input variables:
Name | Type | Description | Default Value |
stage | string | Environment used for resource tagging (dev, int, ops, etc...) | |
prefix | string | Prefix used for resource naming (project name, env name, etc...) | |
data_buckets | list(string) | List of buckets where data is stored. Lambdas will be given read/write access to these buckets. | [] |
config_bucket | string | Bucket where dataset configuration is stored | |
config_dir | string | Path relative to config_bucket where dataset configuration is stored |
"big-config" |
bignbit_audit_bucket | string | S3 bucket where messages exchanged with GITC will be saved. Typically the cumulus internal bucket | |
bignbit_audit_path | string | Path relative to bignbit_audit_bucket where messages exchanged with GITC will be saved. |
"bignbit-cnm-output" |
bignbit_staging_bucket | string | S3 bucket where generated images will be saved. Leave blank to use bucket managed by this module. | create new bucket named svc-${var.app_name}-${var.prefix}-staging |
harmony_staging_path | string | Path relative to bignbit_staging_bucket where harmony results will be saved. |
"bignbit-harmony-output" |
gibs_region | string | Region where GIBS resources are deployed | |
gibs_queue_name | string | Name of the GIBS SQS queue where outgoing CNM messages will be sent | |
gibs_account_id | string | AWS account ID for GIBS | |
edl_user_ssm | string | Name of SSM parameter containing EDL username for querying CMR | |
edl_pass_ssm | string | Name of SSM parameter containing EDL password for querying CMR | |
permissions_boundary_arn | string | Permissions boundary ARN to apply to the roles created by this module. If not provided, no permissions boundary will be applied. | |
security_group_ids | list(string) | ||
subnet_ids | list(string) | ||
app_name | string | "bignbit" | |
default_tags | map(string) | {} | |
lambda_container_image_uri | string | "" |
This module supplies the following outputs:
Name | Description | Value |
config_bucket_name | Bucket containing dataset configs | var.config_bucket |
config_path | Path relative to config bucket where configs reside | var.config_dir |
pobit_handle_gitc_response_arn | ARN of the lambda function | aws_lambda_function.handle_gitc_response.arn |
pobit_gibs_topic | ARN of SNS topic GIBS replies to | aws_sns_topic.gibs_response_topic.arn |
pobit_gibs_queue | ARN of SQS queue GIBS replies are published to | aws_sqs_queue.gibs_response_queue.arn |
bignbit_audit_bucket | Name of bucket where messages exchanged with GIBS are stored | var.bignbit_audit_bucket |
bignbit_audit_path | Path relative to audit bucket where messages with GIBS are stored | var.bignbit_audit_path |
get_dataset_configuration_arn | ARN of the lambda function | aws_lambda_function.get_dataset_configuration.arn |
get_granule_umm_json_arn | ARN of the lambda function | aws_lambda_function.get_granule_umm_json.arn |
get_collection_concept_id_arn | ARN of the lambda function | aws_lambda_function.get_collection_concept_id.arn |
identify_image_file_arn | ARN of the lambda function | aws_lambda_function.identify_image_file.arn |
generate_image_metadata_arn | ARN of the lambda function | aws_lambda_function.generate_image_metadata.arn |
submit_harmony_job_arn | ARN of the lambda function | aws_lambda_function.submit_harmony_job.arn |
submit_harmony_job_function_name | Name of the lambda function | aws_lambda_function.submit_harmony_job.function_name |
get_harmony_job_status_arn | ARN of the lambda function | aws_lambda_function.get_harmony_job_status.arn |
process_harmony_results_arn | ARN of the lambda function | aws_lambda_function.process_harmony_results.arn |
apply_opera_hls_treatment_arn | ARN of the lambda function | aws_lambda_function.apply_opera_hls_treatment.arn |
pobit_build_image_sets_arn | ARN of the lambda function | aws_lambda_function.build_image_sets.arn |
pobit_send_to_gitc_arn | ARN of the lambda function | aws_lambda_function.send_to_gitc.arn |
pobit_save_cnm_message_arn | ARN of the lambda function | aws_lambda_function.save_cnm_message.arn |
workflow_definition | Rendered state machine definition | rendered version of state_machine_definition.tpl |
bignbit_staging_bucket | Name of bignbit staging bucket | var.bignbit_staging_bucket |
harmony_staging_path | Path to harmony requests relative to harmony staging bucket | var.harmony_staging_path |
bignbit_lambda_role | Role created by the module applied to lambda functions | aws_iam_role.bignbit_lambda_role |
- Using
strategy for GITC input queue
Visual representation of the bignbit step function state machine:
- Install miniconda (or conda) and poetry
- Run
conda env create -f conda-environment.yaml
to install GDAL - Activate the bignbit conda environment
conda activate bignbit
- Install python package and dependencies
poetry install
- Verify tests pass
poetry run pytest tests/
If developing on a darwin_arm64
based mac, running terraform locally may result
in an error message during terraform init
: "Provider registry.terraform.io/hashicorp/null v2.1.2
does not have a package available for your current platform, darwin_arm64."
One workaround for this is to use https://github.com/kreuzwerker/m1-terraform-provider-helper
to compile a local arm-based version of the hashicorp/null provider.
This is only necessary as long as cumulus core requires ~>2.1
version of hashicorp/null because
v3.x of the provider does have support for darwin_arm64