Download the latest release of Podlite editor here:
- Write in pod6 markup language
- Preview elements (such as headers, images, math, embedded videos, todo lists...) while you type
- Preview mode cmd-/ ( win-/ )
- export to html and pdf
- import from markdown
- make diagrams via =Diagram block
- And more features to come...
=Image gatsby-astronaut.png
=Image some-video.mp4
To render beautiful graphs, sequence and Gantt diagrams and flowcharts, one can use the =Diagram
=begin Diagram
graph LR
=end Diagram
graph LR
A[Square Rect] -- Link text --> B((Circle))
A --> C(Round Rect)
B --> D{Rhombus}
C --> D
graph TD
A(Coffee machine <br>not working) --> B{Machine has power?}
B -->|No| H(Plug in and turn on)
B -->|Yes| C{Out of beans or water?} -->|Yes| G(Refill beans and water)
C -->|No| D{Filter warning?} -->|Yes| I(Replace or clean filter)
D -->|No| F(Send for repair)
Student->>Admin: Can I enrol this semester?
loop enrolmentCheck
Admin->>Admin: Check previous results
Note right of Admin: Exam results may <br> be delayed
Admin-->>Student: Enrolment success
Admin->>Professor: Assign student to tutor
Professor-->>Admin: Student is assigned
Person <|-- Student
Person <|-- Professor
Person : +String name
Person : +String phoneNumber
Person : +String emailAddress
Person: +purchaseParkingPass()
Address "1" <-- "0..1" Person:lives at
class Student{
+int studentNumber
+int averageMark
class Professor{
+int salary
class Address{
+String street
+String city
+String state
+int postalCode
+String country
title Example Gantt diagram
dateFormat YYYY-MM-DD
section Team 1
Research & requirements :done, a1, 2021-04-08, 2021-04-10
Review & documentation : after a1, 20d
section Team 2
Implementation :crit, active, 2021-04-25 , 20d
Testing :crit, 20d
Diagrams are created by linking text labels using arrow connectors. You can choose different shapes, add labels to connectors, and style connectors and shapes.
uses Mermaid diagramming and charting tool.
Mermaid documentation for the complete syntax
- Pod6 - An easy-to-use markup language for documenting Raku modules and programs
- Specification of pod6: Synopsis 26
- Create a blog with pod6
- Pod6 online editor: Pod6 to HTML online
This is an open source program. Feel free to fork and contribute.
In order to keep the match between this documentation and the last release, please contribute and pull requests on the dedicated develop branch.
Copyright (c) 2020 Aliaksandr Zahatski
Released under a MIT License.