Created a Custom Web Browser
plugin by extending the Web Browser Widget
provided by Unreal Engine.
into your own app's Plugin folder. -
Copy the
folder into it. You should have something like:MyProject ├── Plugins └── CustomWebBrowser └── CustomWebBrowser.uplugin
If using a C++ Project, configure your module to reference the CustomWebBrowser module. In your *.Build.cs file, add "CustomWebBrowser" to your PublicDependencyModuleNames. Ex:
PublicDependencyModuleNames.AddRange(new string[] { ... , "CustomWebBrowser" });
In a Blueprint Project, enable the plugin by first clicking Settings > Plugins, scrolling down to Project section of plugins, and clicking Widgets > Custom Web Browser. From there you can tick the Enabled checkbox:
You can send a message from the web view to UCustomWebBrowser
. It helps you implement a way to "control" your game from the web page.
By using the HandleOnBeforeBrowse method, Custom Web Browser inspects all links starts from uewebbrowser://
by default. That means if your user taps a link starting with "uewebbrowser", an OnMessageReceived event will be raised with an URL string as its parameter.
If you have this on your page:
<a href="uewebbrowser://action?key=value&anotherKey=anotherValue">Tap Me</a>
And you have event listener in Unreal Engine.
When the link is tapped, it prints: uewebbrowser://action?key=value&anotherKey=anotherValue
The functionality where an OnMessageReceived event is raised when a user taps a link starting with "uewebbrowser" does not work in the iOS build of Unreal Engine v5.4.
If you have this event listener in Unreal Engine:
- WebViewWidget.h
#pragma once #include "Blueprint/UserWidget.h" #include "WebViewWidget.generated.h" class UCustomWebBrowser; UCLASS() class UWebViewWidget : public UUserWidget { GENERATED_BODY() protected: UPROPERTY(BlueprintReadWrite, meta = (BindWidget)) UCustomWebBrowser* CustomWebBrowser; private: UFUNCTION() void OnMessageReceived(const FString& Message); };
- WebViewWidget.cpp
#include "CustomWebBrowser/Public/Widget/CustomWebBrowser.h" if (CustomWebBrowser != nullptr) { CustomWebBrowser->OnMessageReceived.AddDynamic(this, &UWebViewWidget::OnMessageReceived); } void UWebViewWidget::OnMessageReceived(const FString& Message) { UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("%s"), *Message); }
And you run JavaScript code below:
it prints: action?key=value&anotherKey=anotherValue
Besides of an HTML link, a location.href
JavaScript will also send a message to UCustomWebBrowser and trigger the event. The code below is identical to example above:
location.href = "uewebbrowser://action?key=value&anotherKey=anotherValue";