Milestone #1 for Pocket V1
Pre-releaseOne small merge for Pocket, one giant milestone for Pocketkind.
After finishing an internal pre-prototype in February of 2022, the Pocket Core team embarked on a milestone to build a prototype of Pocket V1 based on the specifications. After realizing the scope of a prototype is very abstract, we decided to put a stake in the ground upon which we can start iterating more publically with the help of the community.
There is still a ton of work ahead but this is a great foundation that we can build on, along with the help of the community!
This release contains the following:
- Utility module: Foundation for a proof-of-stake blockchain dedicated to Pocket-specific protocol-level actors w/ complete test coverage.
- Consensus module: A basic implementation of HotPOKT w/ a custom consensus testing suite.
- P2P module: A basic P2P layer using Golang's std library.
- Persistence module: An in-memory mock implementation of the persistence module.
- CLI module: A CLI used to aid in protocol development.
- Pocket bus: An application-specific bus enabling cross-module communication.
Getting Involved
If you want to get involved, start by reading the Contribution Guide and run LocalNet yourself by following the Development Guide.
Below is a current snapshot of our V1 roadmap. You can follow along for more updates & details here.
Special thanks to @andrewnguyen22 @derrandz @guettomusick @iajrz and @luyzdeleon for contributing to this release as well as many whose contributions are not captured in the source code.