NestJS REST API Boilerplate for Common Projects, Tailored for Seamless Integration with the refine React boilerplate as frontend. for Frontend. However, this API is versatile enough to function independently and can be paired with various frontends such as React, Angular, Flutter, and more.
Detailed quick start guide is available HERE
- Features
- Quick run
- Comfortable development
- Links
- Automatic update of dependencies
- Database utils
- Tests
- Tests in Docker
- Test benchmarking
- Database (typeorm).
- Seeding.
- Config Service (@nestjs/config).
- Mailing (nodemailer).
- Sign in and sign up via email.
- Social sign in (Apple, Facebook, Google, Twitter).
- Admin and User roles.
- I18N (nestjs-i18n).
- File uploads. Support local and Amazon S3 drivers.
- Swagger.
- E2E and units tests.
- Docker.
- CI (Github Actions).
- Logging
git clone --depth 1 my-app
cd my-app/
cp env-example .env
docker compose up -d
For check status run
docker compose logs
git clone --depth 1 my-app
cd my-app/
cp env-example .env
Change DATABASE_HOST=postgres
to DATABASE_HOST=localhost
Change MAIL_HOST=maildev
to MAIL_HOST=localhost
Run additional container:
docker compose up -d postgres adminer maildev
npm install
npm run migration:run
npm run seed:run
npm run start:dev
- Swagger: http://localhost:3000/docs
- Adminer (client for DB): http://localhost:8080
- Maildev: http://localhost:1080
Generate migration
npm run migration:generate -- src/database/migrations/CreateNameTable
Run migration
npm run migration:run
Revert migration
npm run migration:revert
Drop all tables in database
npm run schema:drop
Run seed
npm run seed:run
# unit tests
npm run test
# e2e tests
npm run test:e2e
docker compose -f --env-file env-example -p ci up --build --exit-code-from api && docker compose -p ci rm -svf
docker run --rm jordi/ab -n 100 -c 100 -T application/json -H "Authorization: Bearer USER_TOKEN" -v 2 http://<server_ip>:3000/api/v1/users