Hackable & performant taiko client supporting multiple platforms such as Linux (X11 & Wayland), macOS, Windows and even web using WebAssembly.
- Install the nightly Rust toolchain: https://rustup.rs
- Install cargo-make:
cargo install --force cargo-make
- Clone the repository:
git clone git@github.com:polina4096/apex.git
- Navigate to the cloned repository's directory:
cd apex
- Run:
cargo make run-opt
Please note that the game is not ready for testing yet, as there are certain major issues such as some audio formats being only partially supported.
The game stores and accesses certain data such as assets, beatmaps or configuration from the working directory. If a directory or a file is missing the game creates when needed. Project is setup in a way which stores all game data inside a debug
directory in a development environment.
Compile and run a development build with: cargo make
/ cargo make run
Or with optimizations (takes very long): cargo make run-opt
Right now Wasm builds are broken indefinitely due to threading and other issues and fixing them is low priority, please wait for future updates :c
Install wasm-pack, build with: wasm-pack build --release
Navigate to crates/apex-client/web
and host a local web server with: pnpm run dev
Distributed under the MIT license.