- Python 3.6
- Virtualenv (created and activated)
git clone git@github.com:politicalwatch/scanner-backend.git
cd scanner-backend
pip install -r requirements_dev.txt
set -a
source .env
python setup.py develop
Finally, edit scanner_backend/settings.py file with your specific values.
python scanner_backend/app.py
For exec load testing is necessary install locust. You can initialize the tool:
$ locust Labeling
This start local server in port 8089.
With docker-compose executing, you should exec the next command:
docker exec -ti scanner-backend sh runtests.sh
If you only want to execute one test, you can restrict pytest with -k option:
docker exec -ti scanner-backend pytest -v -s --cov-report html --cov=scanner_backend tests -k TestLimit