- tipi-engine:
git clone https://github.com/politicalwatch/tipi-engine.git
- tipi-backend:
git clone https://github.com/politicalwatch/tipi-backend.git
- tipi-tasks:
git clone https://github.com/politicalwatch/tipi-tasks.git
- tipi-frontend:
git clone https://github.com/politicalwatch/quehacenlosdiputados.es.git
git clone https://github.com/politicalwatch/parlamento2030.es.git
- tipi-infra:
git clone https://github.com/politicalwatch/tipi-infra.git
- copy tipi-infra/.env.dev to tipi-infra/.env.
- modify environment variables in tipi-infra/.env to select your project paths and prefered ports.
You can also modify specific environment variables on each project. It exists a .env file inside them.
When you finish configuring them, it is time to exec the complete project:
# Build images and up containers with projects
docker-compose build
docker-compose up -d
Your project are now running by default at:
- Port 5000: Backend App
- Port 8080: Frontend App
- Port 8090: Mongo Express (to manage database)
here are two ways to check logs:
- Logio is used by applications logs and you can found the url executing the following command:
docker inspect tipi-log | grep IPAddress
- Check log for each container separately:
docker logs -f CONTAINER_NAME
# Copy dump_db folder on tipi-mongo container
docker cp tipidb tipi-mongo:/tmp
# Restore database: tipi is the user and pass by default and tipidb the db name
docker exec -ti tipi-mongo mongoimport -u tipi -p tipi -d tipidb -c topics /tmp/tipidb/topics.json
Note that inside tipi-infra there is an example data for testing (you can load it if you wish).
When you want to refresh the knowledge base after the modifications of the tags (and their regexs), you have to follow these steps:
- Export knowledge base to JSON format. You can use our tipi-extract-topics module.
- Copy topics.json file to tipi-mongo container
- Refresh Mongo collection with the new knowledge base
docker cp topics.json tipi-mongo:/tmp
# Change username and password in production
docker exec -ti tipi-mongo mongoimport -u tipi -p tipi -d tipidb -c topics --drop /tmp/topics.json
If you want to re-tag all parliamentary activity with the updated knowledge base, you have to access to MongoDB and then execute:
db.initiatives.updateMany({}, {$set: {tagged: false, topics: [], tags: []}})
After that, execute (outside MongodDB)
docker exec -ti tipi-engine python quickex.py tagger
Note: Remember do not execute these commands on production environment. You have to execute them on develop environment and then export the database and import it on production MongoDB instance.
Currently, images are built automatically when there is a new commit on the repository master branch, but you can also build the image manually.
For example, these are the steps for creating and uploading one backend image:
- Move to repository folder and build the docker image
cd tipi-backend
docker build -t politicalwatch/tipi-backend:latest .
IMPORTANTE NOTICE: you should change .env.production in case of you are building tipi-frontend module.
- Login to dockerhub
docker login docker.io --username=xxx --password=xxx
- Push image to dockerhub
docker push politicalwatch/tipi-backend:latest
- Copy the reposository tipi-infra in the server
- Copy the next files:
cp mongo-init.js.example mongo-init.js
cp .env.pro .env
cp .env.mongo.example .env.mongo
cp .env.tasks.example .env.tasks
cp .env.backend.example .env.backend
cp .env.engine.example .env.engine
cp .env.frontend.example .env.frontend
Modify variables on them. Pay attention to mongo-init.js file, because this file will create the database and its user. You should put the same values as .env file.
Execute the project:
Firstly, we need to download the images:
docker-compose -f docker-compose-pro.yml pull
NOTE: for whatever command that you want to use with docker-compose, you have to indicate into the configuration file.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: If you have a proxy, you need to add the command for gunicorn in docker-compose-pro.yml, inside tipi-backend:
command: gunicorn --proxy-allow-from "xx.xx.xx.xx" --access-logfile - tipi_backend.wsgi:app
Finally, up the environment:
docker-compose -f docker-compose-pro.yml up -d
docker-compose -f docker-compose-pro.yml down
- Update images:
docker-compose -f docker-compose-pro.yml pull
docker-compose -f docker-compose-pro.yml pull image-name
and then restart (up/down) containers.
- Clean temp images and volumes
docker rmi $(docker images -f dangling=true -q)
docker volume prune
- Using New Relic (performance monitoring tool)
If you want to use New Relic, follow these steps:
Add this line to into docker-compose-pro.yml (section tipi-backend)
- ./newrelic.ini:/app/newrelic.ini
Copy your New Relic's config file (newrelic.ini into this project (root directory)
Copy this line into your .env.backend
Ensure it always executes
newrelic-admin run-program [command]
before any other command.