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Python 3 wrapper for Poloniex Exchange

Required Python version 3.7+


USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. You should not use this code in production unless you fully understand its limitations.
Even if you understand the code and its limitations, you may incur losses when using this code for trading.
When used in combination with your own code, the combination may not function as intended, and as a result you may incur losses.
Poloniex is not responsible for any losses you may incur when using this code.


  • Support for REST and websocket endpoints
  • Simple handling of authentication
  • Response exception handling

Getting Started

Get the code files with git.

Clone the repo into the path you will be using

git clone


Public Methods

  • Instantiate a client

    from polosdk import SpotRestClient
    client = RestClient()
  • Symbol

    # Get a symbols info and its tradeLimit info
    response = client.get_market('BTC_USDT')
    # Get all symbols and their tradeLimit info
    response = client.get_markets()
  • Currency

    # Get data for a supported currency
    response = client.get_currency('BTC')
 # Get data for a supported currency.
 response = client.get_currency_v2('BTC')
# Get all supported currencies
response = client.get_currencies(multichain=True)
# Get all supported currencies.
response = client.get_currencies_v2()
  • System Timestamp

    # Get all supported currencies
    response = client.get_timestamp()


  • Prices

    # Get latest trade price for all symbols
    response =
    # Get latest trade price for a symbol
    response ='BTC_USDT')
  • Order Book

    # Get the order book for a given symbol
    response ='BTC_USDT')
  • Candles

    # Returns OHLC for a symbol at given timeframe (interval)
    response ='BTC_USDT', 'HOUR_4')
  • Trades

    # Gets a list of recent trades
    response ='BTC_USDT')
  • Ticker

    # Retrieve ticker in last 24 hours for a given symbol
    response ='BTC_USDT')
    # Retrieve ticker in last 24 hours for all symbols
    response =
  • Mark Price

    # Get latest mark price for a single cross margin symbol
    response ='BTC_USDT')
    # Get latest mark price for all cross margin symbols
    response =
  • Mark Price Components

    # Get components of the mark price for a given symbol
    response ='BTC_USDT')
  • Collateral Info

    # Get collateral information for a single currency
    response ='BTC')
    # Get collateral information for all currencies
    response =
  • Borrow Rates

    # Get borrow rates information for all tiers and currencies
    response =

Authenticated Methods

  • Instantiate a client

    import os
    from polosdk import SpotRestClient
    api_key = os.environ['POLO_API_KEY']
    api_secret = os.environ['POLO_API_SECRET']
    client = SpotRestClient(api_key, api_secret)


  • Account

    # Get a list of all accounts of a user
    response = client.accounts().get_accounts()
  • Account Balances

    # Get a list of all accounts of a user with each account’s id, type and balances (assets)
    response = client.accounts().get_balances()
    # Get the full details for a single account with its balances
    response = client.accounts().get_account_balances('123')
  • Account Activity

    # Get a list of activities such as airdrop, rebates, staking, credit/debit adjustments, and other (historical adjustments).
    response = client.accounts().get_activity()
  • Transfer Balances

    # Transfer amount of currency from an account to another account for a user
    response = client.accounts().transfer('USDT', '10.5', 'SPOT', 'FUTURES')
  • Transfer Activity

    # Get a list of transfer records of a user
    response = client.accounts().get_transfers()
    # Get a transfer record of a user by id
    response = client.accounts().get_transfer('501')
  • Fee Info

    # Get fee rate for an account
    response = client.accounts().get_fee_info()
  • Interest History

    # Get a list of interest collection records of a user.
    response = client.accounts().get_interest_history()
  • Account Margin

    # Get account margin information
    response = client.accounts().get_margin()
  • Borrow Status

    # Get borrow status of currencies
    response = client.accounts().get_borrow_status()
  • Maximum Buy/Sell

    # Get maximum and available buy/sell amount for a given symbol
    response = client.accounts().get_margin_max('BTC_USDT')


  • Subaccount Information

    # Get subaccount information
    response = client.subaccounts().get_accounts()
  • Subaccount Balances

    # Get balances information
    response = client.subaccounts().get_balances()
    # Get balances information by id
    response = get_account_balances('123')
  • Subaccount Transfer

    # Transfer amount of currency
    response = client.subaccounts().transfer('USD', '2', '123', 'SPOT', '1234', 'SPOT')
  • Subaccount Transfer Records

    # Get a list of transfer records of a user.
    response = client.subaccounts().get_transfers()
    # Get transfer record by id.
    response = client.subaccounts().get_transfer()


  • Deposit Addresses

    # Get all deposit addresses for a user
    response = client.wallets().get_deposit_addresses()
  • Generate Address

    # Create a new address for a currency
    response = client.wallets().create_address('TRX')
  • Withdraw Currency

    # Immediately places a withdrawal for a given currency, with no email confirmation
    # In order to use this method, withdrawal privilege must be enabled for your API key
    response = client.wallets().withdraw('ETH', '1.50', '0x123abc')
    # Immediately places a withdrawal for a given currency, with no email confirmation.
    # In order to use this method, withdrawal privilege must be enabled for your API key
    response = client.wallets().withdraw_v2(
                            'ETH', 'ETH', '1.50', '0xbb8d0d7c346daecc2380dabaa91f3ccf8ae232fb4')
  • Wallet Activity

    # Get adjustment, deposit, and withdrawal activity history within a range window for a user
    response = client.wallets().get_activity()


  • Create Order

    # Create a market order for 5 USDT of BTC
    response = client.orders().create(side='BUY', amount='5', symbol='BTC_USDT')
    # Create a limit order for 0.00025 BTC at 20000 USDT
    response = client.orders().create(price='20000',
  • Create Multiple Orders

      #Create 2 BTC sells for ~5 USDT and 1 LTC buy for 2.5 USDT using multiple orders request
      multi_order_request =
                      'price': '20000',
                      'quantity': '0.00025',
                      'side': 'SELL',
                      'symbol': 'BTC_USDT',
                      'type': 'LIMIT'
                      'price': '50',
                      'quantity': '0.05',
                      'side': 'BUY',
                      'symbol': 'LTC_USDT',
                      'type': 'LIMIT'
                      'price': '22000',
                      'quantity': '0.00024',
                      'side': 'SELL',
                      'symbol': 'BTC_USDT',
                      'type': 'LIMIT'
      response = client.orders().create_multiple(multi_order_request)
  • Cancel Replace

    # Cancel Replace by order id, proceed on cancelation failure.
    response = client.orders().cancel_replace(order_id, price='19000', proceed_on_failure=True)
  • Open Orders

    # Get a list of active orders for an account
    response = client.orders().get_all()
  • Order Details

    # Create an order for an account
    # Get order by client order id
    response = client.orders().get_by_id(client_order_id='123Abc')
    # Get order by order id
    response = client.orders().get_by_id(order_id='21934611974062080')
  • Cancel Order by Id

    # Cancel an active order
    # Cancel order by client order id
    response = client.orders().cancel_by_id(client_order_id='123Abc')
    # Cancel order by order id
    response = client.orders().cancel_by_id(order_id='21934611974062080')
  • Cancel Multiple Orders by Ids

    # Batch cancel one or many active orders in an account by IDs
    response = client.orders().cancel_by_multiple_ids(
                 order_ids=["12345", "67890"],
                 client_order_ids=["33344", "myId-1"])
  • Cancel All Orders

    # Batch cancel all orders in an account
    # Cancel all orders on 'BTC_USDT'
    response = client.orders().cancel(symbol='BTC_USDT')
    # Cancel all orders on 'SPOT' account
    response = client.orders().cancel(account_type='SPOT')
  • Orders History

    # Get a list of historical orders in an account
    response = client.orders().get_history(symbol='BTC_USDT')
  • Trade History

    # Get a list of all trades for an account
    response = client.orders().get_all_trades(limit=5)
  • Trades by Order Id

    # Get a list of all trades for an order specified by its orderId
    response = client.orders().get_trades('21934611974062080')
  • Kill Switch

    # Set a timer that cancels all regular and smartorders after the timeout has expired.
    response = client.orders().set_kill_switch('15')
  • Kill Switch Status

    # Get status of kill switch.
    response = client.orders().get_kill_switch()

Smart Orders

  • Create Order

    # Create a smart order for an account (Limit Buy 0.00025 BTC_USDT at 18,000.00 when price hits 20000 USDT)
    response = client.smartorders().create(client_order_id='123Abc',
  • Open Orders

    # Get a list of (pending) smart orders for an account
    response = client.smartorders().get_all()
  • Order Details

    # Get a smart order’s status. {id} can be smart order’s id or its clientOrderId
    # If smart order’s state is TRIGGERED, the response will include the triggered order’s data
    # Get smart order by client order id
    response = client.smartorders().get_by_id(client_order_id='123Abc')
    # Get smart order by order id
    response = client.smartorders().get_by_id(order_id='21934611974062080')
  • Cancel Replace

    # Cancel Replace by smart order id, proceed on cancelation failure.
    response = client.smartorders().cancel_replace(order_id, price='19000', proceed_on_failure=True)
  • Cancel Order by Id

    # Cancel a smart order by its id
    # Cancel smart order by client order id
    response = client.smartorders().cancel_by_id(client_order_id='123Abc')
    # Cancel smart order by order id
    response = client.smartorders().cancel_by_id(order_id='21934611974062080')
  • Cancel Multiple Orders by Ids

    # Batch cancel one or many active smart orders in an account by IDs
    response = client.smartorders().cancel_by_multiple_ids(
                   order_ids=["12345", "67890"],
                   client_order_ids=["33344", "myId-1"])
  • Cancel All Orders

    # Batch cancel all smart orders in an account
    # Cancel all smart orders on 'BTC_USDT'
    response = client.smartorders().cancel(symbol='BTC_USDT')
    # Cancel all smart orders on 'SPOT' account
    response = client.smartorders().cancel(account_type='SPOT')
  • Orders History

    # Get a list of historical smart orders in an account
    response = client.smartorders().get_history(symbol='BTC_USDT')

Websockets API

Public Channels

  • Instantiate a client

    import asyncio
    from polosdk import SpotWsClientPublic
    def on_message(msg):
    def on_error(err):
    ws_client_public = SpotWsClientPublic(on_message, on_error=on_error)
    await ws_client_public.connect()
    await ws_client_public.subscribe(['ticker'], ['ETH_USDT'])
  • Candlesticks

    # Continuous feed of candlestick data with default/provided depth
    await ws_client_public.subscribe(['candles_minute_1'], ['BTC_USDT'])
  • Trades

    # Continuous feed of recent trades with default/provided depth
    await ws_client_public.subscribe(['trades'], ['BTC_USDT'])
  • Ticker

    # Continuous feed of current day ticker data
    await ws_client_public.subscribe(['ticker'], ['ETH_USDT'])
  • Book

    # Continuous feed of order book data containing asks and bids with default/provided depth
    await ws_client_public.subscribe(['book'], ['BTC_USDT'])
    # With Depth Parameter
    await ws_client_public.subscribe(['book'], ['BTC_USDT'], depth=10)
  • Book Level 2

    # Receive a snapshot of the full 20 level order book
    # Then, continuously in realtime receive an updated order book when the first 20 levels change
    await ws_client_public.subscribe(['book_lv2'], ['BTC_USDT'])
  • Subscribing to Multiple Channels

    await ws_client_public.subscribe(['book', 'ticker'], ['BTC_USDT'])

Authenticated Channels

  • Instantiate a client

    import asyncio
    import os
    from polosdk import SpotWsClientAuthenticated
    api_key = os.environ['POLO_API_KEY']
    api_secret = os.environ['POLO_API_SECRET']
    def on_message(msg):
    def on_error(err):
    ws_client_authenticated = SpotWsClientAuthenticated(on_message, on_error=on_error)
    await ws_client_authenticated.connect(api_key, api_secret)
  • Orders

    # Real time information about client’s orders
    await ws_client_authenticated.subscribe(['orders'], ['all'])
  • Balances

    # Real time information about all of client’s balance(s) updates
    await ws_client_authenticated.subscribe(['balances'])
  • Subscribing to Multiple Channels

    await ws_client_authenticated.subscribe(['orders', 'balances'], ['all'])


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