Qree (read 'Curie') is a tiny but mighty Python templating engine, geared toward HTML. 'Qree' is short for: Quote, replace, exec(), eval().
The entire module is under 200 lines. Instead of using regular expressions or PEGs, Qree relies on Python's exec()
and eval()
. Thus, it supports all language features, out of the box. For more on Qree's internals, please see: Build Your Own Python Template Engine
!!! Warning: Do NOT render untrusted templates. As Qree uses eval()
, rendering untrusted templates is equivalent to giving untrusted entities access to your entire systems.
pip install qree
Alternatively, just download qree.py
into your project directory.
Use {{: expression :}}
for HTML-escaped interpolation, or {{= expression =}}
for interpolation without escaping. The latter is susceptible to XSS, so please be careful. Here are a few quick examples:
1. Hello, World!:
qree.renderStr("<h2>Hello, {{: data :}}", data="World!")
# Output: <h2>Hello, World!</h2>
2. Using Expressions:
qree.renderStr("<h2>Mr. {{: data.title() + '!' :}}", data="bond")
# Output: <h2>Mr. Bond!</h2>
3. HTML Escaping:
qree.renderStr("Mr. {{: data :}}", data="<b> Villain </b>")
# Output: Mr. <b> Villain </b>
4. Without Escaping:
qree.renderStr("Mr. {{= data =}}", data="<b> Villain </b>")
# Output: Mr. <b> Villain </b>
5. Longer Example:
<!doctype html>
<title>{{: data["title"].title() :}}</title>
<h1>{{: data["title"].title() :}}</h1>
<pre>{{: data["body"] :}}</pre>
""", data={
"title": "Lorem Ipsum",
"body": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, ... elit.",
# Output:
<!doctype html>
<title>Lorem Ipsum</title>
<h1>Lorem Ipsum</h1>
<pre>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, ... elit.</pre>
Any line beginning with @=
is treated as Python code. (Preceding whitespace is ignored.) You can write any code you wish, as Qree supports all language features. You can define variables, import modules, make assertions etc. For example:
Leap Year Detection (with lambda
tplStr = """
@= isLeap = lambda n: (n % 400 == 0) or (n % 100 != 0 and n % 4 == 0)
@= isOrIsNot = "IS" if isLeap(data['year']) else "is NOT"
The year {{: data['year'] :}} {{: isOrIsNot :}} a leap year.
qree.renderStr(tplStr, data={"year": 2000})
# Output: The year 2000 IS a leap year.
qree.renderStr(tplStr, data={"year": 2001})
# Output: The year 2001 is NOT a leap year.
Python is an indented language. Use the special tags @{
and @}
for respectively indicating indentation and de-indentation to Qree. When used, such a tag should appear by itself on a separate line, ignoring whitespace and trailing Python comments. For example:
Leap Year Detection (with def
tplStr = """
@= def isLeap (n):
@= if n % 400 == 0: return True;
@= if n % 100 == 0: return False;
@= return n % 4 == 0;
@= isOrIsNot = "IS" if isLeap(data['year']) else "is NOT"
The year {{: data['year'] :}} {{: isOrIsNot :}} a leap year.
qree.renderStr(tplStr, data={"year": 2000})
# Output: The year 2000 IS a leap year.
qree.renderStr(tplStr, data={"year": 2001})
# Output: The year 2001 is NOT a leap year.
FizzBuzz Example
FizzBuzz is a popular programming assignment. The idea is to print consecutive numbers per line, but instead to print 'Fizz'
for multiples of 3, 'Buzz'
for multiples of 5, and 'FizzBuzz'
for multiples of 3 and 5.
@= for n in range(1, data+1):
@= if n % 15 == 0:
@= elif n % 3 == 0:
@= elif n % 5 == 0:
@= else:
{{: n :}}
""", data=20)
# Output:
By default, data passed via the data
parameter is available in the template as the data
variable. However, if you'd like to change the variable name, you may do so via the variable
parameter. For example:
qree.renderStr("Hi {{: name :}}!", data="Jim", variable="name")
# Output: Hi Jim!
It's always convenient to store templates using separate files. To work with files, use qree.renderPath(tplPath, data, ...)
instead of qree.renderStr(tplStr, data, ...)
Let's say you have the following directory structure:
- app.py
- qree.py
- views/
- homepage.html
Here's homepage.html
<doctype html>
<head><title>{{: data['title'] :}}</title></head>
<h2>{{: data['title'] :}}</h2>
<pre>{{: data['body'] :}}</pre>
In app.py
, you could have the following snippet:
def serve_homepage ():
return qree.renderPath("./views/homepage.html", data={
"title": "The TITLE Goes Here!",
"body": "And the body goes here ...",
Which would be equivalent to:
def serve_homepage ():
with open("./views/homepage.html", "r") as f:
return qree.renderStr(f.read(), data={
"title": "The TITLE Goes Here!",
"body": "And the body goes here ...",
In either case, the output would be:
<doctype html>
<head><title>The TITLE Goes Here!</title></head>
<h2>The TITLE Goes Here!</h2>
<pre>And the body goes here ...</pre>
Qree built and maintained by the folks at Polydojo, Inc., led by Sumukh Barve. If your team is looking for a simple project management tool, please check out our latest product: BoardBell.com.
Since templates can include any Python code, you can call qree.renderPath()
from within a template! Consider the following directory structure:
- app.py
- qree.py
- views/
- header.html
- homepage.html
- footer.html
With header.html
<header class="header">
<a href="/link1">Link 1</a>
<a href="/link2">Link 2</a>
<a href="/link3">Link 3</a>
And similarly, footer.html
<footer class="footer">
<a href="/linkA">Link A</a>
<a href="/linkB">Link B</a>
<a href="/linkC">Link C</a>
Now, you can use header.html
and footer.html
in homepage.html
@= import qree;
@= import qree;
<doctype html>
<head><title>{{: data['title'] :}}</title></head>
{{= qree.renderPath("./test-views/header.html", data=None) =}}
<h2>{{: data['title'] :}}</h2>
<pre>{{: data['body'] :}}</pre>
{{= qree.renderPath("./test-views/footer.html", data=None) =}}
And, as before, the snippet in app.py
def serve_homepage ():
return qree.renderPath("./views/homepage.html", data={
"title": "The TITLE Goes Here!",
"body": "And the body goes here ...",
The output is:
<doctype html>
<head><title>... TITLE 2 ...</title></head>
<header class="header">
<a href="/link1">Link 1</a>
<a href="/link2">Link 2</a>
<a href="/link3">Link 3</a>
<h2>... TITLE 2 ...</h2>
<pre>... BODY 2 ...</pre>
<footer class="footer">
<a href="/linkA">Link A</a>
<a href="/linkB">Link B</a>
<a href="/linkC">Link C</a>
In the above example, we explicitly passed data=None
to each nested template. We could've passed any value. We could've even ignored the data
parameter, as it defaults to None
Default tags like {{:
, :}}
, @=
, etc. can each be customized via the tagMap
parameter. Using tagMap
, just supply your desired tag as the value against the default tag as key. A few examples follow:
1. [[:
Square :]]
Brackets Instead Of {{:
Braces :}}
tplStr="Hello, [[: data.title().rstrip('!') + '!' :]]",
tagMap = {
"{{:": "[[:",
":}}": ":]]",
"{{=": "[[=", # <-- Not directly used in this example.
"=}}": "=]]", # <---^
# Output: Hello, World!
2. Percentage Sign For Code Blocks (%
vs @
tplStr = """
%= isLeap = lambda n: (n % 400 == 0) or (n % 100 != 0 and n % 4 == 0)
%= isOrIsNot = "IS" if isLeap(data['year']) else "is NOT"
The year {{: data['year'] :}} {{: isOrIsNot :}} a leap year.
qree.renderStr(tplStr, data={"year": 2020}, tagMap = {
"@=": "%=",
"@{": "%{", # <-- Not directly used in this example.
"@}": "%}", # <--^
# Output: The year 2020 IS a leap year.
Default tagMap
The default values for each of the tags is as specified in the dict below.
{ "@=": "@=",
"@{": "@{",
"@}": "@}",
"{{=": "{{=",
"=}}": "=}}",
"{{:": "{{:",
":}}": ":}}",
If you're working with Flask, Bottle or a similar WSGI framework, qree.view
can help bind route to templates.
@qree.view("./views/user-list.html", variable="userList")
def serve_userList ():
userList = yourLogicHere();
return userList;
The above is identical to the following:
def serve_user_list_page ():
userList = yourLogicHere();
return qree.renderPath("./views/user-list.html",
data=userList, variable="userList",
Using Vilo instead of Flask/Bottle? Great choice! Qree jives with Vilo:
@app.route("GET", "/user-list")
@qree.view("./views/user-list.html", variable="userList")
def serve_userList (req, res):
userList = yourLogicHere(req);
return userList;
Custom Tags:
Like with qree.renderPath(.)
and qree.renderStr(.)
, you can use custom tags with qree.view(.)
by passing tagMap
Install pytest via pip install -U pytest
. Run tests with:
If you encounter a bug, please open an issue on GitHub; but if you find a security vulnerability, please email security@polydojo.com instead.
If you'd like to see a new feature or contribute code, please open a GitHub issue. We'd love to hear from you! Suggestions and code contributions will always be appreciated, big and small.
Copyright (c) 2020 Polydojo, Inc.
Software Licensing:
The software is released "AS IS" under the MIT license, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. Kindly see LICENSE.txt for more details.
No Trademark Rights:
The above software licensing terms do not grant any right in the trademarks, service marks, brand names or logos of Polydojo, Inc.