Lightning Network Daemon (LND) controlled via Telegram Bot (EXPERIMENTAL)
lnd-tgrambot is a simple telegram bot, that allows you to control your Lightning Network Daemon (LND) from your mobile phone via Telegram. It is a very simple Node js script. It based on LND gRPC API. NOTE: It is unfinished and there are some unfinished functions, and some errors.
1-Install your Bitcoin Node and Lightning Network Daemon (LND) ->
2-Install Node Js
3-Create your Telegram Bot ->
4-Clone (or download) this repository.
$git clone
$cd lnd-tgrambot
5-Install Node Js dependencies:
5-Run it:
$node lnd-tgrambot.js -t your_telegrambot_token -i yourTelegramID
Run lnd-tgrambot with -h (or --help) :
$node lnd-tgrambot.js -h
Lightning Network Daemon (LND) controlled via Telegram Bot
$ lnd-tgram-bot [options]
-t, --telegram-token <token> Your Telegram Bot Token.
-i, --telegram-id <id> Your Telegram ID.
-m, --lnd-macaroon <manacaroon_path> LND Macaroon admin file path.
-c, --lnd-tlscert <tls_cert_path> LND TLS certificate file path.
-u, --lnd-grpcurl <grpc_url> LND gPRC url (host:port)
-r, --lnd-rpcproto <rpcproto_path> LND rpc.proto file path.
-p, --auth-password <password> Plaintext password for payments.(optional)
-l, --log-file <log_file_path> Log file path.
-d, --log-level <log_level> Log level [ 'all', 'trace', 'debug', 'info', 'warn', 'error', 'fatal' ]; default:info
-h, --help Show (this) usage information.
$ lnd-tgram-bot -t my_telegram_token -i 000000
Or you can use ENV variables (Example):
export TELEGRAM_TOKEN=yourtelegramtoken
export TELEGRAM_ID=000000
export LND_MACAROON=$HOME/.lnd/data/chain/bitcoin/mainnet/admin.macaroon
export LND_TLSCERT=$HOME/.lnd/tls.cert
export LND_GRPCURL=localhost:10009
export LND_RPCPROTO=$HOME/go/src/
export AUTH_PASSWORD=yourpassword
export LOG_FILE=out.log
·This is an experimental project. This first version is ONLY secured by filtering Telegram UserID and (optional) plaintext password. Any idea or suggestion to improve security will be wellcome!!
·Don't use large amounts of BTC on de LND controlled by this Bot.
·Secure your telegram: How to secure telegram account
·Create Invoices. ·Improve Security. ·Start/Stop LND. ·Connect to peers. ·Open/Close Channels.