Customized Lunr search experience within a site using Hugo Relearn theme.
On my poetry web site, I'd like to customize javascript code allowing to integrate Lunr library. However, this is not practical testing on a live website with a 30-second build time because this is how the Hugo Relearn theme works, it feeds Lunr index at build time.
Lunr is a very nice search engine but the initial authors of the theme have made some decisions and I'd like to override either general cases (multi-word exact search, enable wildcard search) or specific cases (French œ digraph).
Initial issue: poesieland/
A very simple site using Hugo Relearn theme and few content tailoring my search test cases.
For now I copy and override the search.html partial to use another javascript file, because Lunr documentation has examples but it's totally unclear how to properly include proposed customizations. I've made some tries and feel it's easier to hack and comment readable code the theme provides.