This is a installable sailsjs hook that attaches policy like methods, called responders, to controller actions.
npm install sails-hook-responders --save
* Create users API token and add it to the response
* @param {Object} req The request object
* @param {Object} res The response object
* @param {Object} data Data for the request. Global to all responders
* @param {Object} options Response options, include what kind of response to send. Global to all responders
* @param {Function} next [description]
module.exports = function (req, res, data, options, next) {
// Do something
// Add any data you want sent back to the user to data object
// For example,
// data.response = 'Hi, this message was generated in a responder';
// Set the type of response you want to be used
// options.method = 'ok';
// options is optional. By default it is set to `serverError` if there was an error,
// else to `json`
// If there is an error, call next with the error
// next(err);
var token;
// Generate token
data.token = token;
* Mapping responders to a controller action
* @type {Object}
module.exports.responders = {
UserController: {
// responders should be put in an array, in the order they are meant to be run
create: ['generateApiToken', 'sendWelcomeEmail'],
// though if you only have one responder for an action, you can just use a string
delete: 'sendGoodbyeEmail'
A method, respond
, is attached to the res
object. It runs all the responders attached to a controller action
and sends the response back to the user. If no responder has been attached, it will simply return res.ok
* User controller
* The user controller
* @type {Object}
module.exports = {
create: function (req, res) {
// create user
var data = {
// options is optional, and so is data
return res.respond(data);
delete: function (req, res) {
// delete the user
var data = {
message: 'Sorry to see you go ' +
// You can pass a custom callback to `res.respond`, which will be called after the responders have been run
return res.respond(data, function (err, req, res, data, options) {
return res.view('user/goodbye', data);
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