I have used Laravel as back-end Php Framework and ( Vue.Js And TailwindCss for front-end ) . I also used Laravel Sanctum for Authentication.
Create a client and server application. The client can be implemented in vue JS or React JS. The server must be implemented using Laravel. The client must communicate with the server using an API (no Blade templates).
Create tables in a database which allow to associate a player with a team. Fill the tables with data.
For example:
Player A is part of Team 1 Player B is part of Team 1 Player C is part of Team 2 Player D is part of Team 2
The Vue JS or React JS app should display a table which should contain the following data:
Player Name - Team Name - Actions
Player A - Team 1 - Edit Delete
Implement the actions in order to be able to edit a player or to delete a player.
When editing a player, it must be possible to change the name and the team of the player.
There should be the possibility to add a new player as well.
for Backeend:
Routing, Controllers, FormRequests, JsonResources, Database Migration Files, Seeders, Factories, UnitTesting
for Front-end:
VueJs, TailwindCss, Vuex, Vue-Router
- run command :
composer install
- run command :
npm install
- run command :
php artisan key:generate
- change
File to.env
- set SANCTUM_STATEFUL_DOMAINS below APP_URL in .env file to your domain name. ( like SANCTUM_STATEFUL_DOMAINS=playerteams.test )
- set SESSION_DOMAIN in .env file to your domain name as well. ( like SESSION_DOMAIN=playerteams.test )
- set SESSION_DRIVER in .env file to Cookie . ( like SESSION_DRIVER=cookie )
- run command :
php artisan migrate
Do one of these 2 steps:
- run command :
php artisan db:seed
, if you want to generate default User for logging in and also a few players and teams ( Recommended )
- run command :
php artisan db:seed --class=UserSeeder
, if you want to generate just a User and add data by your self.
- set axios.defaults.baseURL to your DomainName in the main.js at Resources\Js\main.js and save it. ( Like: axios.defaults.baseURL = 'http://playerteams.test'; )
- run command :
npm rum watch
- run command :
php artisan serve
to run tests you can use this command in terminal (command line):
php artisan test
Username: ilove@germany.com
Password: results.com
to use Laravel Sanctum for authentication you neeed to set SANCTUM_STATEFUL_DOMAINS below APP_URL in .env file to your domain name. also change the SESSION_DOMAIN and SESSION_DRIVER as I explained.
Payam GhaderKourehpaz https://payamblog.com