Install PoyntPOSBridgeSampleInstaller.msi
Right click on the project, choose Add/Reference, Browse (in the lower right), then navigate to the PoyntPOSBridge.dll and add it
(the default path will be: C:\Program Files (x86)\PoyntPOSBridgeSample\PoyntPOSBridge.dll
Start the Poynt Terminal (or Poynt Emulator and launch the
application. POS BRIDGE application is availalbe via Poynt Store on the terminal. -
There is a full working console application at the bottom of this document.
The PoyntPOSApi will log requests and responses to the log provided in the constructor. To create a basic file logger use the Logger factory:
ILogger apiLogger = LoggerFactory.CreateFileLogger("posApi", LoggingLevel.DEBUG, loggerPath);
The following are logged:
- log level INFO: PoyntPOSApi requests and responses
- log level ERROR: PoyntPOSFinder and PoyntPOSApi errors
- log level DEBUG: PoyntPOSFinder
The PoyntPOSFinder object is used to discover terminals on the local network. The network must support UDP multicast.
It runs on the same thread as you instantiate it on so you're responsible for putting it in a worker thread if you don't want to block your UI. When a terminal is discovered the finder will fire a FoundPOSEventHandler event. For example:
void Discover()
PoyntPOSFinder finder = new PoyntPOSFinder(finderLogger) {
PoyntServiceName = "PoyntOSConnector";
finder.FoundPoyntPOSEventHandler += Finder_FoundPoyntPOSEventHandler;
finder.Discover(); // listens on udp multicast 8080 for mdns packets
catch (Exception ex)
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Finder Failed: " + ex.Message);
void Finder_FoundPoyntPOSEventHandler(object sender, FoundPoyntPOSEventArgs e)
// the event args will contain the IP address and port discovered
string ipAddress = e.IPAddress.ToString();
int port = e.Port;
String msg = String.Format("Poynt System advertised at {0} port {1}.", ipAddress, port);
// stop the finder once a terminal is discovered
e.Stop = true;
The PoyntPOSApi class contains all the methods to perform various operations on the Terminal.
Create a new PoyntPOSApi by providing the IP address and a logger. The default timeout is 2500ms but can be overwritten. Once you have paired with a terminal, set the key to the pairing code. For example,
To pair with a terminal using RSA to exchange the pairing code use IP address to create a PoyntPOSAPI object and then use the PairDeviceWithKey method.
An Example:
var ipFromDiscovery = "";
posApi = new PoyntPOSApi(ipFromDiscovery, apiLogger)
DefaultTimeoutInMs = 60000,
var req = new PairDeviceWithKeyRequest();
req.PairingRequest.PairingCode = "my identifier";
var response = posApi.PairDeviceWithKey("External POS System 0", req);
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(response.PairingCode))
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Paired with code " + response.PairingCode);
// You can now make method calls on the posApi object.
var errors = string.Join(";", response.Error.Select(x => x.Key + "=" + x.Value).ToArray());
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Unable to pair with key. Errors: " + errors);
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using PoyntPOSBridge;
namespace PoyntTestAppCSharp
class Program
static string desktopPath = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop);
static ILogger finderLogger = LoggerFactory.CreateFileLogger("finderApi", LoggingLevel.DEBUG, desktopPath);
static ILogger apiLogger = LoggerFactory.CreateFileLogger("posApi", LoggingLevel.DEBUG, desktopPath);
static PoyntPOSFinder finder = new PoyntPOSFinder(apiLogger);
static void Main(string[] args)
finder.FoundPoyntPOSEventHandler += new FoundPoyntPOSEventHandler(finder_FoundPoyntPOSEventHandler);
Console.WriteLine("Looking for a Poynt Terminal");
static void finder_FoundPoyntPOSEventHandler(object sender, FoundPoyntPOSEventArgs e)
var ipAddress = e.IPAddress.ToString();
int port = e.Port;
String msg = String.Format("Poynt System advertised at {0} port {1}.", ipAddress, port);
PoyntPOSApi api = new PoyntPOSApi(ipAddress, apiLogger)
DefaultTimeoutInMs = 60000,
var req = new PairDeviceWithKeyRequest();
req.PairingRequest.PairingCode = "my identifier";
var response = api.PairDeviceWithKey("External0", req);
e.Stop = true;
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(response.PairingCode))
Console.WriteLine("Paired with code " + response.PairingCode);
// You can now make method calls on the posApi object.
var errors = string.Join(";", response.Error.Select(x => x.Key + "=" + x.Value).ToArray());
Console.WriteLine("Unable to pair with key. Errors: " + errors);
static void CreateSalesRequest(PoyntPOSApi api)
List<OrderItem> items = new List<OrderItem>()
new OrderItem()
Name = "item1",
Quantity = 1,
Tax = 0,
Status = "ORDERED",
UnitOfMeasure = "EACH",
UnitPrice = 100,
var salesRequest = AuthorizeSalesRequest.Create(60000, "USD", 128);
salesRequest.Payment.Order.Notes = "order notes";
salesRequest.Payment.Notes = "payment notes";
// Set any references on the transaction
salesRequest.Payment.References = new List<TransactionReference>()
new TransactionReference()
Id = "external-id-3fda",
CustomType = "externalReferenceId",
Type = "CUSTOM"
salesRequest.Payment.ManualEntry = true;
// Set to skip receipt screen
salesRequest.Payment.SkipReceiptScreen = false;
// Set to skip signature screen
salesRequest.Payment.SkipSignatureScreen = false;
// pre select receipt choice
salesRequest.ReceiptPreference = new ReceiptPreference()
ReceiptType = ReceiptType.EMAIL,
Recipient = "dev@poynt.co"
var response = api.AuthorizeSales(salesRequest);
Console.WriteLine("AuthorizeSales Payment Status: " + response.Payment.Status);
static void GetPaymentFlowStatus(PoyntPOSApi api)
PaymentFlowState response = api.GetPaymentFlowState();
Console.WriteLine("Current Payment Flow State: " + response.CurrentState);
The following API commands are supported:
- AuthorizeAdjustment
- AuthorizeCompletion
- AuthorizePreSale
- AuthorizeRefund
- AuthorizeSales
- AuthorizeVoid
- PairDevice
- PairDeviceWithKey
- PingDevice
- PrintReceipt
- ScanData
- ShowItemsOnSecondScreen
- VoiceAuthorizeSales
- GetPaymentFlowState