Graphical User Interface for the reactor code.
Z. Peng, N. Carrasco and P. Pernot (2014) "Modeling of synchrotron-based laboratory simulations of Titan's ionospheric photochemistry", GeoResJ 1-2:33–53.
Pernot, P. (2020) ReactorUI: graphical UI for the simulation of photochemical reactors (Version 1.3).
Improves the handling of non-CHON elements in graphics
Enables the use of a local chemical DB
Misc. stability improvements
The reactorui Docker container has all elements preinstalled.
To run the container:
Install Docker
Type the following commands in a terminal
cd Projects # This is the home of your `reactor` projects
docker run -d -p 3838:3838 --mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)",target=/Projects --name reactorui ppernot1/reactorui
If you want to use a local database (e.g. in repertory myChemDB
, at the same level as Projects
it should also be mounted
docker run -d -p 3838:3838 --mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)",target=/Projects --mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)"/../myChemDB,target=/ChemDBLocal --name reactorui ppernot1/reactorui
Access ReactorUI at http://localhost:3838 in your favorite browser
When finished
docker kill reactorui
- For further sessions
docker restart reactorui
- To cleanup
docker remove -v reactorui