Simple songbook ,,typesetting'' ,,system'' rendering chodpro files
python ~/MySong.cho
- Run
python mysong.cho
transforms tomysong.pdf
- OPTIONAL - Grab Visual Studio code and install ChordPro extension to colorize
usage: [-h] [--format FORMAT] [infile]
Process songbook.
positional arguments:
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--format FORMAT [pdf] html
- Real UTF8 support without any woodo-magic
- Produces nicely large printable pdfs which you can take to pub
- Keeping great support for KISS principe - just look for example
file - Multiplatform - using only python libraries without any native dependencies
- Great extensibility and modularity - write your own renderer
- PDF and HTML formats are supported
- Ligatures ;)
- PDF - Primary renderer
- HTML -
Aspiring to be primary renderer, but there is long way to go(page wrapping)maybe for multiple songs
- perfect typesetting but doesn't work well simple songschordpro
is old and ... perl. Update: I'm not able to run version 6 on manjaro.musescore
- typesetting is perfect, MIDI support is perfect, ... use this if you want more featurestex - packages
- overhelming complexity for single sheet withpoorlack of UTF8 support
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Keep it really simple
- Support for {style:A4L} and {style:A4} lanscape and normal A4
python -m unittest discover -s tests
- Fonts cache is weird, delete
files - Not working with pdf library
self.fractionSymbols = {
'4/4': '𝄴',
'2/4': '𝄵'
(c) Pavel Prchal, 2020, 2021, 2023