We Hate This Game is a logic-based puzzle game. Game is hated because of its bugs and developers' laziness disguised as features. The annoyance includes-
(You need to play the game to see how it is deterministic)
And many more (including not having the ability to restart a level)...
The game has 7 levels from 0 to 8 skipping level 1 and level 2. The initially planned Level 1 and 2 were not made. It was possible to rename levels but the developers didn't feel like it.
Even though the gameplay instructions are unclear and game logics may change level to level, we expect the users to figure those out themselves. However, here goes solution hints in case you might need them.
Level 0
Level 3
Level 4
Level 5
Level 6
Level 7
Level 8
- Have GHC 8.8.4 or 8.10.7 installed.
- Have Cabal installed and working. Would be better if you just have GHCup
- A working computer of course
- Clone this repository
- Run
cabal v2-run
- Enjoy
Note: Escape button closes the game because of how Gloss is built.
No contribution guide. @pptx704 is the sole maintainer from now on 👍 However, you are free to fork and do whatever you want.