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osu!notification server


  • node 10+


Either set up environment variables or copy/symlink following files from osu!web project to this project's root directory:

  • oauth-public.key (if not using environment variable; located in storage in osu!web)
  • .env


  • Only through environment variable:
    • WEBSOCKET_BASEDIR: set if you need to explicitly specify path to the files above.
    • APP_ENV: defaults to development. The .env.${APP_ENV} file will be loaded first before .env.
  • Either environment variable or in .env files:
    • Refer to src/config.ts.

Lastly, osu!web needs to be configured to use redis-based session.


  1. yarn
  2. yarn build
  3. yarn serve


Watch and rebuild automatically with yarn watch. The server doesn't auto-restart though.

Code linting (style check)

Run yarn lint --fix and additionally do manual fixes if needed.


To be added.


To build:

# repository should be username/repository when using docker hub for convenient push
docker build --tag <repository>:<tag> .

To run, the following items need to be passed to the container:

  • environment variables: either directly using docker command or bind mount to /app/.env
  • oauth public key: bind mount to /app/oauth-public.key
  • listening port: for the host

Make sure the files are globally readable as the container process runs as limited privilege user


docker run \
  --rm \
  --publish 2345:2345 \
  -v /path/to/.env:/app/.env \
  -v /path/to/oauth-public.key:/app/oauth-public.key \

Deployment considerations

Multiple cores

The process is single-threaded. Launch multiple containers to handle more connections.

Connection limit

Each process is known to be able to handle over 3000 connections. Make sure to increase file descriptor limit for the container process (--ulimit nofile=10000 option in docker) otherwise it won't be able to accept enough connections.

Process monitoring

There's currently no error handling. Any errors will stop the process. Make sure to always restart on exit.

Reverse proxy

The server is supposed to be deployed behind a reverse proxy like nginx. Following is the proxying setting usually used for nginx:

proxy_pass http://notification-server;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;
proxy_buffering off;
proxy_redirect off;
proxy_http_version 1.1;
proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
proxy_set_header Connection $connection_upgrade;
tcp_nodelay on;

Especially make sure to not forward X-Forwarded-For from external source because it's used for identifying connecting IP address.