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clarify angle ranges in HandleFlip

Task list completed / task-list-completed succeeded Aug 20, 2024 in 0s

2 / 2 tasks completed

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Task Status
#26309 Completed
#26310 Completed
If you asked me how to implement this in a vacuum, I would say that this should be a third option of origin for flip/rotate operations, rather than replacing the playfield one. As in, it should still be possible to use playfield centre as a flip/rotate origin after the grid has been moved around. Incomplete
The rotate/scale popover buttons still say "playfield centre". After the grid has been moved, they're clearly not that. Incomplete
On any grid type other than square, flip respecting grid rotation and origin makes zero visual sense. Like why is that stuff respected still on a circular grid, where you only know where the origin is, but have no sense of the rotation of it? On a triangular grid, why do flips relative to grid continue to work as they did on square grid? Incomplete