URL: https://quivia-webapp.herokuapp.com/
Its a basic practice project, made while learning MERN stack.
- An user can sign up / sign in using local authentication or via google or facebook OAuth
- Clicking on a game matches two idle players if present for the same game, else it sends a bot to play with
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
You need to have nodejs and npm installed to run this app from your pc.
Delete the 'node_modules' folder if present, else continue. Then, install the npm modules by typing the following command:
npm install
Do the same inside the client (React) folder, as it runs separate from server side.
Create a '.env' file in the root folder and store the following data:
COOKIE_SECRET = *************
MONGO_URI = *****************
GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID = **********
FACEBOOK_APP_ID = ***********
Get google/facebook client id and secret by creating a new app from their developers' section
Now Change the socket connection url inside '/client/src/components/Gameplay.js' (line 19) as follows:
this.socket = io.connect(devURI)
Now uncomment line 18
To run the server, type the command:
npm run dev
To run the React server, change directory to client and then, type the command:
npm run start
You can edit the source files, which are present in the src folder. You can live test them on the React webpack server. React static build files will automatically get created on deployment.
- MongoDB
- Express
- React
- NodeJs
- Socket.io
- Pranab K Singh
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details