This is a Python program of the game “Hangman”. The word to guess is represented by a row of dashes. If the player guess a letter which exists in the word, then all places in the answer where that letter appear will be revealed. If it is wrong you loose a life and the hangman begins to appear, piece by piece. The player has a chance of 6 wrong guesses.
initial empty state
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| |
| O
head and torso
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| O
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| |
head, torso, and one arm
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| O
| \|
| |
head, torso, and both arms
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| O
| \|/
| |
head, torso, both arms, and one leg
| |
| O
| \|/
| |
| /
final hangman
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| O
| \|/
| |
| / \ -