Notify Public
A full stack Notes taking application inspired from Google Keep and built in the very popular MERN stack.
github-readme-stats Public
Forked from anuraghazra/github-readme-stats⚡ Dynamically generated stats for your github readmes
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedJun 13, 2024 -
Breast-cancer-web-app Public
Forked from Apurva1312/Breast-cancecr-Jupyter Notebook UpdatedMay 26, 2022 -
Sales Forecaster and Analyzer for supermarket sales dataset to achieve better inventory optimization built into a live web application.
glific-frontend Public
Forked from glific/glific-frontendFrontend for the Glific platform
TypeScript GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 UpdatedNov 9, 2021 -
pokesickle Public
A Node-JS based CLI Tool for all sorts of Pokemon information.
JavaScript UpdatedNov 9, 2021 -
awesome-login-pages Public
Forked from LoginRadius/awesome-login-pagesThis repository consist of many login page example, whch can be used for any web or hybrid app developement.
Python_Projects Public
Forked from its-Kumar/Python_ProjectsThis repository contains all Python Projects.
HTML UpdatedOct 17, 2021 -
C-plus-plus-Algorithms Public
Forked from codewithdev/C-plus-plus-AlgorithmsRepo contains some of the most common Data Structure and Algorithm in cpp. It will be helpful in future application of Competitive Programming as well as various tech Interviews.
C++ MIT License UpdatedOct 9, 2021 -
Mini_Python_Projects Public
Forked from PrasoonJain2002/Mini_Python_ProjectsThis repository will help beginners kickstarting their open-source journey by completing Hacktoberfest'21 challenge || Just need to make a mini python project that can be done within an hour also |…
Python MIT License UpdatedOct 8, 2021 -
CS-180 Public
Forked from SAMYAK99/CS-180An Awesome beginner-friendly repo to help you in open-source contributions. Made specifically for contributions in HACKTOBERFEST 2021! .Push any code in any language you want . Please leave a star …
C++ UpdatedOct 8, 2021 -
javascript-mini-projects Public
Forked from thinkswell/javascript-mini-projectsAwesome Collection of amazing javascript mini-projects.
JavaScript The Unlicense UpdatedOct 7, 2021 -
Poke-Dex Public
Forked from AM1CODES/Poke-DexThis is a small webpage that allows user to add their favourite Pokémons! This project aims to help people in creating their first pull requests and participating in Hacktoberfest 2020.
HTML MIT License UpdatedOct 7, 2021 -
code-examples Public
Forked from CesiumLabs/code-examplesDifferent code examples in multiple languages.
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedOct 6, 2021 -
hacktoberfest2021 Public
Forked from Hacktoberfestrepo/hacktoberfest2021For Beginners, students and developers this is a great opportunity to learn and contribute to open source.
C++ UpdatedOct 6, 2021 -
JavaScriptONLY Public
Forked from codesONLY/JavaScriptONLYKnowledge Resource of core fundamentals of JavaScript explained in simple way!
HTML UpdatedOct 6, 2021 -
common-algos-and-problems Public
A repository with solutions and documentation on common DSA problems.
MartinHeinz Public
Forked from MartinHeinz/MartinHeinzMy GitHub Profile README. Don't just fork, star it, so others can find it too! 👀
UpdatedMay 15, 2021 -
EGaze Public
EGaze is an attempt at creating Mixed Reality web application using AR.js, AFrame alongside React.js and StreetView Images.
JavaScript UpdatedMay 11, 2021 -
Badges4-README.md-Profile Public
Forked from alexandresanlim/Badges4-README.md-Profile👩💻👨💻 Improve your README.md profile with these amazing badges.
UpdatedMar 2, 2021 -
node-express-realworld-example-app Public
Forked from gothinkster/node-express-realworld-example-appJavaScript UpdatedDec 11, 2020 -
badges Public
Forked from aleen42/badges🎴 Standard and acceptable badges list
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedDec 10, 2020 -
Hangman-Python Public
The very popular Hangman game created in CLI using Python. Tons of words with hints functionality.