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A simple abstraction of the Discord API that allows easy authoring of slash and prefix commadns

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Create a discord bot the easy way. Setup basic prefix commands or use slash commands to provide more options, details and better default help messages.



$ yarn add toybot


$ npm install toybot


Discord requires a token to access the bot API. Create an environment variable with the name BOT_TOKEN



Invoke the toybot function with a config object that contains:

Key Type Description
title string The name of the bot
description string A short description of the bot and its uses
documentation string The URL of a documentation site or website (appears in default help command)
prefix string A character or string used to invoke non-slash commands
guild string The guild (server) id
client string The client id
intents string[] An array of permissions
commands object An object containing the commands
testMode boolean Set to true to catch and log errors and results to the console


const toybot = require('toybot')

    title: 'myCoolBot',
    description: 'A really cool bot for handling repetitive tasks',
    documentation: '',
    prefix: '!',
    guild: '965727814676516906',
    client: '973251476258422854',
    intents: ['GUILDS', 'GUILD_MESSAGES'],
    commands: {
        'doThis': ctx => ctx.reply('I am a bot.'),
        'doThat': ctx => ctx.reply('Am I a bot?'),
        'doMore': {
            description: 'Do stuff and things',
            command: ctx => ctx.reply('I did it.')


Command objects define how a command will be called and what actions to perform

commands: {
    Prefix commands are the easiest to setup and use
    The key is the command name and the value is the 
    function called as a command.
    'simple-prefix': (ctx) => { ctx.reply('I am a bot') },

    Slash commands use an object containing details and
    options for the command.
    'simple-slash': {
        description: 'Provide a description',
        command: (ctx) => { ctx.reply() }

    Slash commands provide more control. 
    Descriptions appear in the command menu and help message.
    Role restrictions allow fine control over permissions.
    Options provide easy access to arguments/parameters.
        description: 'Fine grained control',
        roles: ['Member', 'Admin', 'Owner'],
        options: [
                name: 'brap',
                type: 'string',
                required: true
                name: 'vrips',
                type: 'int',
                min: 4,
                max: 12
                name: 'shlep',
                type: 'user',
        command: (ctx) => {
            ctx.reply(`The brap is ${ctx.values.brap}`)


Command Definition

'some-command': (ctx) => { console.log(ctx) }

Command Invocation


Message Context Object

<ref *1> Message {
  channelId: '01234567890123456789',
  guildId: '01234567890123456789',
  id: '01234567890123456789',
  createdTimestamp: 1652213358204,
  type: 'DEFAULT',
  system: false,
  content: '!!some-command with args',
  author: User {
    id: '01234567890123456789',
    bot: false,
    system: false,
    flags: UserFlags { bitfield: 0 },
    username: 'someDiscordUser',
    discriminator: '4567',
    avatar: 'abcdef0123456789abcdef',
    banner: undefined,
    accentColor: undefined
  pinned: false,
  tts: false,
  nonce: '01234567890123456789',
  embeds: [],
  components: [],
  attachments: Collection(0) [Map] {},
  stickers: Collection(0) [Map] {},
  editedTimestamp: null,
  reactions: ReactionManager { message: [Circular *1] },
  mentions: MessageMentions {
    everyone: false,
    users: Collection(0) [Map] {},
    roles: Collection(0) [Map] {},
    _members: null,
    _channels: null,
    crosspostedChannels: Collection(0) [Map] {},
    repliedUser: null
  webhookId: null,
  groupActivityApplication: null,
  applicationId: null,
  activity: null,
  flags: MessageFlags { bitfield: 0 },
  reference: null,
  interaction: null,
  message: '!!some-command',
  prefix: '!!',
  command: 'some-command',
  args: ['with','args']


Command Definition

'some-command': {
    description: 'Log the return object',
    options: [
            name: 'someArg'
            type: 'string',
            required: true
    command: (obj) => { console.log(obj) }

Command Invocation

/some-command [someArg: xyz]

Command Context Object

CommandInteraction {
  id: '123456789123456789',
  applicationId: '123456789123456789',
  channelId: '123456789123456789',
  guildId: '123456789123456789',
  user: User {
    id: '123456789123456789',
    bot: false,
    system: false,
    flags: UserFlags { bitfield: 0 },
    username: 'someDiscordUser',
    discriminator: '4567',
    avatar: 'abcdef0123456789abcdef',
    banner: undefined,
    accentColor: undefined
  member: GuildMember {
    guild: Guild {
      id: '123456789123456789',
      name: 'myServer',
      icon: 'abcdef0123456789abcdef',
      features: [Array],
      commands: [GuildApplicationCommandManager],
      members: [GuildMemberManager],
      channels: [GuildChannelManager],
      bans: [GuildBanManager],
      roles: [RoleManager],
      presences: PresenceManager {},
      voiceStates: [VoiceStateManager],
      stageInstances: [StageInstanceManager],
      invites: [GuildInviteManager],
      scheduledEvents: [GuildScheduledEventManager],
      available: true,
      shardId: 0,
      splash: null,
      banner: null,
      description: null,
      verificationLevel: 'LOW',
      vanityURLCode: null,
      nsfwLevel: 'DEFAULT',
      discoverySplash: null,
      memberCount: 4,
      large: false,
      premiumProgressBarEnabled: false,
      applicationId: null,
      afkTimeout: 300,
      afkChannelId: null,
      systemChannelId: null,
      premiumTier: 'NONE',
      premiumSubscriptionCount: 0,
      explicitContentFilter: 'ALL_MEMBERS',
      mfaLevel: 'NONE',
      joinedTimestamp: 1652135753579,
      defaultMessageNotifications: 'ONLY_MENTIONS',
      systemChannelFlags: [SystemChannelFlags],
      maximumMembers: 500000,
      maximumPresences: null,
      approximateMemberCount: null,
      approximatePresenceCount: null,
      vanityURLUses: null,
      rulesChannelId: null,
      publicUpdatesChannelId: null,
      preferredLocale: 'en-US',
      ownerId: '123456789123456789',
      emojis: [GuildEmojiManager],
      stickers: [GuildStickerManager]
    joinedTimestamp: 1650317853383,
    premiumSinceTimestamp: null,
    nickname: null,
    pending: false,
    communicationDisabledUntilTimestamp: null,
    _roles: [ '123456789123456789' ],
    user: User {
      id: '123456789123456789',
      bot: false,
      system: false,
      flags: [UserFlags],
      username: 'someDiscordUser',
      discriminator: '4567',
      avatar: 'abcdef0123456789abcdef',
      banner: undefined,
      accentColor: undefined
    avatar: null
  version: 1,
  memberPermissions: Permissions { bitfield: 4398046511103n },
  locale: 'en-US',
  guildLocale: 'en-US',
  commandId: '123456789123456789',
  commandName: 'some-command',
  deferred: false,
  replied: false,
  ephemeral: null,
  webhook: InteractionWebhook { id: '123456789123456789' },
  options: CommandInteractionOptionResolver {
    _group: null,
    _subcommand: null,
    _hoistedOptions: []
  values: {
      'someArg': 'xyz'

Available Intents



ToyBot inserts utility functions into the context object for messages and interactions. The utilities include:

  • MessageEmbed - from Discordjs
  • wait - simple promise based timeout
  • store - basic json based key:value store (not persistent)

Message Embed


A simple promise based timeout function to add delays between execution of commands with a default of 1000ms. Must be used with async/await.

'do-stuff': async (ctx) => {
  await ctx.deferReply('Lets wait a sec...')
  await ctx.utils.wait()
  await ctx.editReply('Okay thats long enough')


A stateful class that provides methods for interacting with the key:value store.

Method Description
set(key, value) Create a key and assign a value if the key does not already exist
get(key) Get a value by its key
update(key, value) Update the value of a key if the key exists
remove(key) Delete a key:value by its key
getAll() Return the entire store object. Useful for parsing nested values.


The store comes with built-in commands for uploading a .json file to set the state of the store or set a key:value where the value is the data from the file. Bot names in the command must be lowercase

Command Attachment Description
!botname-fill-store .json Set the store state to the data from the attached json file
!botname-set-store keyName .json Set or update a key with the value of the attached json file
!botname-empty-store Set the state of the store to an empty object


A simple abstraction of the Discord API that allows easy authoring of slash and prefix commadns






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