• Client/application make use of your logger library to log messages to as sink
• has content which is of type string
• has a level associated with it
• is directed to a destination (sink)
• has namespace associated with it to identify the part of application that sent the message
This is the destination for a message (eg text file, database, console, etc
• Sink is tied to one or more message level
• one or more message level can have the same sink Logger library
• Requires configuration during sink setup
o Accepts messages from client(s)
o Routes messages to appropriate sink based on the level
o Supports following message level in the order of priority: FATAL, ERROR WARN, INFO, DEBUG
• Message levels above a given message level should be logged
• Ex If INFO is configured as a message level, FATAL, ERROR, WARN and INFO should be logged
• Enriches message with additional information (like timestamp) while directing message to a sink \
Sending messages
• Sink need not be mentioned while sending a message to the logger library
• A message level is tied to a sink.
• You specify message content level and namespace while sending a message \
Logger configuration (see sample below)
• Specifies all the details required to use the logger library
• Library can accept one or more configuration for an application
o One configuration per association of message level and sink
• You may consider logger configuration as a key-value pair
o time format
o logging level
o sink type
o details required for sink (eg file location)) \