In this Project we tried to work on the data-driven inference based on CitiBike data.
We Chose a dataset from Citibike data Library that is available [here] (
We wrote a program to Derive Correlation from Citibike Data.
Initially I tried to derive correlation between the Age and average trip duration for each age group. But I was not succesful on that effort so I went ahead and derived a correlation between the type of customer and Citibike Usage.
By observing the data I found out that during the weekdays Subscribers utilize more Citibike than the Customers and viz.
Problem Statement: Does Subscribers take more rides on weekdays than Customers?
Alternate Hypothesis: Subscribers take more rides on Citibikes more than Customers during Weekdays.
Null Hypothesis: Customers take the same or more number of rides than Subscribers during Weekdays.
Since the value of Z>2 which is more than 2 Standard deviations above New Mean.
The Null Hypothesis Can be rejected