Build a multiple linear regression model for the prediction of demand for shared bikes
- Here US bike-sharing provider BoomBikesis a service in which bikes are made available for shared use to individuals on a short term basis for a price or free.Company has recently suffered considerable dips in their revenues.
- The company is finding it very difficult to sustain in the current market scenario. So, it has decided to come up with a mindful business plan to be able to accelerate its revenue as soon as the ongoing lockdown comes to an end, and the economy restores to a healthy state.
- This Model helps management to understand how exactly the demands vary with different features
- The service provider firm has gathered a large dataset on daily bike demands across the American market based on some factors.
- when
increases number of bike riders also increases ....also bike riders prefer lowwindspeed
and hummidity range of40
- The Seaon Spring has the lowest number of bike rider among all season in general and summer and fall see's high number of bike riders
- Month
are 3 month where there are high number of bike riders - Fitted a Linear model and got the r2 score of 0.83 and 0.82 for Test and Train data respectively
- when weather situation is
then there is very low number of riders compare to other weather situations,alsoclear
weather situation showing highest number of ike riders across weekdays
- pandas - Version: 2.0.3
- numpy - Version: 1.24.3
- matplotlib - Version: 3.7.1
- seaborn - Version: 0.12.2
- statsmodels - Version: 0.14.0
Created by [@praveenkkushwaha] - feel free to contact me!