BOOKLET SCAN TO PDF Set Up Need to install the following directories: (name | version) "canvas": "^2.11.2", "image-size": "^1.0.2", "image-to-pdf": "^2.0.0", "jimp": "^0.22.7", "merge-images": "^2.0.0", "pdf-img-convert": "^1.2.1", "sharp": "^0.32.0"
Running the command npm i
should also work.
For the input and output files, edit in index.js
lines 2 and 3 respectively.
Default: input in the same directory as index.js as input.pdf
and output is output.pdf
Change constant inputModes
(line 4, index.js) for one of the following:
for an input where you scanned duplex short side, and you can see the front page of booklet on the first page of input (default).
for an input where you scanned duplex long side, and you can see the front page of booklet on the first page of input.
for an input where you scanned duplex short side, and you can see the front page of booklet on the last page of input.
for an input where you scanned duplex long side, and you can see the front page of booklet on the last page of input.
Change constant outputModes
(line 5, index.js) for one of the following:
for an output where each page is on a separate page (default).
for an output where the front and back page is separate pages and the other pages are doubled up.
Change array size
(line 6, index.js) with the arrangement: [width, height]
Note that width and height are in pixels, where 1cm = approx 28.3464 pixels or 1 inch = 72 pixels. If in output mode 0, this means all pages are in this size, and in output mode 1, this means that all pages have double the width of the specified size, with the first and last page having whitespaces as it is the covers.
Example sizes (common) where width < height:
A3: [841.89, 1190.55]
A4: [595.28, 841.89]
A5: [419.53, 595.28]
Letter: [612.00, 792.00]
Same way you would start a normal Node function; node index.js
(this was made in Node v18.12.1)