WIP: my system setup (documentation in progress)
i wanted something that i could use on a new system to set it up the way i want while staying as simple as possible. please feel free to clone it and make it your own!
run boostrap.sh on a new box for prerequisites :D
common NIX/mac scripts
├── omz installs ohmyz.sh
└── vim set vim configuration
macos set up a macos system
├── brew installs homebrew formulae/kegs/taps
├── downloads fetches files from the web
├── appstore downloads apps from the mac app store
├── superduper will set up jasonrudolph/keyboard
└── defaults changes OS settings; see below
linux TODO
- disable smart quotes, dashes, capitalization, and periods
- disable .DS_Store on USB and network devices
- disable natural scrolling
- all windows start in $HOME
- all windows use list view by default
- disable confirmation you want to empty the trash
- disable warning on changed file extension
- enables the path bar
- enable auto-hide
- don't show recent applications
- set size to 32px
- change window animation to scale
- appearance: auto
- colors: as desired
- message, show with clock
- group windows by application
- add esperanto
- enable 24-hour clock
- zoom: enable use keyboard shortcuts to zoom
- keyboard preferences: extended input
- audio: flash the screen when alert occurs
- captions: prefer cc
- filevault: enable
- firewall: enable
- automatic update: enable
- as required
- show bluetooth in menu bar: enable
- sound effects: morse
- alert volume: as desired
- play feedback: enable
- show volume in menu: enable
- turn keyboard backlight off
- modifier keys: capslock is control
- text: touch bar typing suggestions: disable
- dictation: shortcut: off
- gestures: expose: enable
- night shift: enable s&s
- muzzle
A lot of source material was used when putting this together.