#Download files from google drive
- Python editor
- Install packages (google-api-python-client, apiclient, oauth2client)
- Run (pip install packagename) to install the above mentioned package in command prompt
- If python editor is pycharm, follow the steps below to install the packages. a. File->Settings->Projects->Project Interpreter->click on top right + button->search with the package name and install.
- Place cliend_secret.json file to the same directory where main.py and auth.py file is placed.
- Run main.py file.
- It will redirect to google drive page.Select pk4084602@gmail.com and Enter password if required(it will be shared in mail).
- Click on allow.If unverified error comes up then click on advance->google api(at the bottom)->allow.
- It will download one file "Flower.jpeg"