Starfire is a simple experiment combining the physics library, Pymunk, with Pyxel, a library for simple game development. Starfire introduces a class of simple simulated bodies closely resembling a "fireball" and their behavior in a sparse environment.
Install dependencies
`pip install pyxel pymunk`
Install Starfire
Clone this repo
git clone
Navigate to the new directory
cd Starfire
Execute the module using python
python -m starfire
[ARROW KEYS] [up] - increase the vertical angle of a newly spawned fireball
[down] - decrease the angle of a new fireball
[left] - decrease the horizontal velocity of a new fireball
[right] - increase the horizontal velocity of a new fireball
[Spacebar] - spawn a fireball
[left control] + [spacebar] - spawn a fireball which will orbit a point at the center of the screen
[right shift] + [8 key] - dilate time [right shift] + [7 key] - expand time [right alt] + [8 key] - revert timescale to default
[E key] - explode any fireballs on the screen
- Extras:
- --coming soon!---