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Orchestrator connecting different PrimeQA components


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Orchestrator REST Microservice

This toolkit provides an orchestrator microservice that integrates PrimeQA's retriever & reader modules as a REST Server and also other "search" capabilities e.g. IBM Watson Discovery.

Hence, using this orchestrator one can either integrate a neural retriever like ColBERT from PrimeQA or external search e.g. IBM Watson Discovery to fetch documents and then use PrimeQA's reader to extract answer spans from those relevant documents.

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✔️ Getting Started

✅ Prerequisites

⚙️ Setup

📓 Third-party dependencies

  • PrimeQA: If you don't have access to running PrimeQA instance, then please refer to PrimeQA repository for more details on setting and running a local one.
  • Watson Discovery (Optional): Follow instructions on IBM Cloud to configure Watson Discovery V2 service.

🧩 Setup Local Environment

# Install virtualenv
pip3 install virtualenv

# Create a new virtual environment for this project. If using pyenv, path_to_python_3.9_executable will be ~/.pyenv/versions/3.9.x/bin/python
virtualenv --python=<path_to_python_3.9_executable> venv

# Activate virtual environment
source venv/bin/activate
  • Install dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install -r requirements_test.txt

🐛 gprcio and grpcio-tools has limited support on Apple Silicone (M1, M2). Please refer to grpc github issue#25082 for details or download appropriate wheels from here.

📜 TLS and Certificate Management

Orchestrator service REST server supports mutual or two-way TLS authentication (also known as mTLS). Application's config.ini file contains the default certificate paths, but they can be overridden using environment variables.

Self-signed certificates are generated and packaged with the Docker build. Self-signed certs may be required for local development and testing. If you want to generate them, follow the steps below:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

# Make neccessary directories
mkdir -p security/
mkdir -p security/certs/
mkdir -p security/certs/ca security/certs/server security/certs/client

# Generate CA key and CA cert
openssl req -x509 -days 365 -nodes -newkey rsa:4096 -subj "/C=US/ST=New York/L=Yorktown Heights/O=IBM/OU=Research/" -keyout security/certs/ca/ca.key -out security/certs/ca/ca.crt

# Generate Server key (without passphrase) and Server cert signing request
openssl req -nodes -new -newkey rsa:4096 -subj "/C=US/ST=New York/L=Yorktown Heights/O=IBM/OU=Research/" -keyout security/certs/server/server.key -out security/certs/server/server.csr

# Sign Server cert
openssl x509 -req -days 365 -in security/certs/server/server.csr -CA security/certs/ca/ca.crt -CAkey security/certs/ca/ca.key -CAcreateserial -out security/certs/server/server.crt

# Generate Client key (without passphrase) and Client cert signing request
openssl req -nodes -new -newkey rsa:4096 -subj "/C=US/ST=New York/L=Yorktown Heights/O=IBM/OU=Research/" -keyout security/certs/client/client.key -out security/certs/client/client.csr

# Sign Client cert
openssl x509 -req -days 365 -in security/certs/client/client.csr -CA security/certs/ca/ca.crt -CAkey security/certs/ca/ca.key -CAserial security/certs/ca/ -out security/certs/client/client.crt

# Delete signing requests
rm -rf security/certs/server/server.csr
rm -rf security/certs/client/client.csr


  • By default, the application tries to load certs from /opt/tls. You will need to update appropriate tls_* variables in config.ini during local use.

  • We recommend to generate certificates with official signing authority and use them via volume mounts in the application container.

🛠 Build & Deployment

💻 Local

  • Open Python IDE & set the created virtual environment
  • Open orchestrator/services/config/config.ini, set require_ssl = True (if you wish to use TLS authentication) & rest_port
  • Generate GRPC:
    #!/usr/bin/env bash
    set -xeuo pipefail
    python -m grpc_tools.protoc -I ./orchestrator/integrations/primeqa/protos --python_out=orchestrator/integrations/primeqa/grpc_generated --grpc_python_out=orchestrator/integrations/primeqa/grpc_generated orchestrator/integrations/primeqa/protos/indexer.proto
    python -m grpc_tools.protoc -I ./orchestrator/integrations/primeqa/protos --python_out=orchestrator/integrations/primeqa/grpc_generated --grpc_python_out=orchestrator/integrations/primeqa/grpc_generated orchestrator/integrations/primeqa/protos/parameter.proto
    python -m grpc_tools.protoc -I ./orchestrator/integrations/primeqa/protos --python_out=orchestrator/integrations/primeqa/grpc_generated --grpc_python_out=orchestrator/integrations/primeqa/grpc_generated orchestrator/integrations/primeqa/protos/reader.proto
    python -m grpc_tools.protoc -I ./orchestrator/integrations/primeqa/protos --python_out=orchestrator/integrations/primeqa/grpc_generated --grpc_python_out=orchestrator/integrations/primeqa/grpc_generated orchestrator/integrations/primeqa/protos/retriever.proto
    2to3 --fix=import --nobackups --write orchestrator/integrations/primeqa/grpc_generated
  • Open and run/debug
  • Go to http://localhost:{rest_port}/docs
  • To be able to use reader, indexer and retriever services, be sure you have access to running instance of PrimeQA container

💻 Docker

  • Open config.ini and set rest_port
  • Open Dockerfile and set the same value to port
  • Run docker build -f Dockerfile -t primeqa-orchestrator:$(cat VERSION) . (creates docker image)
  • Run docker run --rm --name primeqa-orchestrator -d -p <port>:<port> --mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)"/store,target=/store -e STORE_DIR=/store primeqa-orchestrator:$(cat VERSION) (run docker container)
  • Go to <http://{Container's public URL}:{rest_port}/docs>
  • To be able to use reader, indexer and retriever services, be sure you have access to running instance of PrimeQA container

🚨 Configure

  • Before first use, you will need to specify few neccessary configurations to connect to third-party depedencies. These setting are intentionally left blank for security purposes.

  • Go to STORE_DIR directory on your local machine and copy the primeqa.json file in that directory.

  • You will need to add/update the settings portion in primeqa.json file. Primarily add service_endpoint information (inclusive of port) for PrimeQA in retriever and reader sections in settings.

    a. To use a IBM® Watson Discovery based retriever, add/update Watson Discovery add the following to the list in the retrievers section.

        "Watson Discovery": {
            "service_endpoint": "<IBM® Watson Discovery Cloud/CP4D Instance Endpoint>",
            "service_api_key": "<API key (If using IBM® Watson Discovery Cloud instance)>",
            "service_project_id": "<IBM® Watson Discovery Project ID>"

    b. For PrimeQA based retrievers, add/update PrimeQA related section in retrievers as follows

        "PrimeQA": {
            "service_endpoint": "<Primeqa Instance Endpoint>:<Port>"

    c. For PrimeQA based readers, add/update PrimeQA related section in readers as follows

        "PrimeQA": {
            "service_endpoint": "<Primeqa Instance Endpoint>:<Port>",
            "beta": 0.7

    For example, to enable both IBM® Watson Discovery instance based retriever and PrimeQA based retrievers and PrimeQA based reader, the settings will look as follows

      "retrievers": {
        "Watson_Discovery": {
          "service_endpoint": "<IBM® Watson Discovery CP4D Instance Endpoint>",
          "service_api_key": "<API key (If using IBM® Watson Discovery Cloud instance)>",
          "service_project_id": "<IBM® Watson Discovery Project ID>"
        "PrimeQA": {
          "service_endpoint": "<Primeqa Instance Endpoint>:<Port>"
      "readers": {
        "PrimeQA": {
          "service_endpoint": "<Primeqa Instance Endpoint>:<Port>",
          "beta": 0.7

    NOTE: The final scoring and ranking is done with a weighted sum of the Reader answer scores and Retriever search hits scores. The beta field is the weight assigned to the reader scores and 1-beta is the weight assigned to the retriever scores.

🧪 Testing

  1. To see all available retrievers, execute [GET] /retrievers endpoint
	curl -X 'GET' 'http://{PUBLIC_IP}:50059/retrievers' -H 'accept: application/json'
  1. To see all available readers, execute [GET] /readers endpoint
	curl -X 'GET' 'http://{PUBLIC_IP}:50059/readers' -H 'accept: application/json'

Frequenty Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. How do I get feedbacks to fine tune my reader model?

  curl -X 'GET' \
'http://localhost:50059/feedbacks?application=reading&application=qa&_format=primeqa' \
-H 'accept: application/json' > feedbacks.json

2. How do I get feedbacks to fine tune my retriever model?

  curl -X 'GET' \
'http://localhost:50059/feedbacks?application=retrieval&_format=primeqa' \
-H 'accept: application/json' > feedbacks.json

📄 Documentation Sync

Keep PrimeQA documentation reference sync
Anytime this README files is updated, it is necessary to open a PR on PrimeQA repository to update, with the same modifications, the associated file used on documentation page.
Do not modify initial image path