💅 Polish
- #511 change double quotes to single quotes in Avatar stack stories. (@AustinPaquette)
📝 Documentation
- #520 Update issue templates. (@broccolini)
- #516 Fix modules/primer-product/README.md. (@9585999)
- #513 Deleting the dev branch workflow instructions. (@jonrohan)
- #507 Moving the color docs to the style guide. (@jonrohan)
🏠 Internal
- #517 Modifying notify script to publish from each package. (@jonrohan)
- #515 Auto publish storybook. (@jonrohan)
- #510 Patch release 10.6.2. (@shawnbot)
Committers: 5
- Austin Paquette (AustinPaquette)
- Diana Mounter (broccolini)
- DieGOs (9585999)
- Jon Rohan (jonrohan)
- Shawn Allen (shawnbot)