An online catalog app that uses Python with Flask and SQLAlchemy to perform CRUD operations on a database. This project was designed using Python3.
This app requires a linux server to run successfully. To develop the piece of software, a vagrant virtual machine was used.
This vagrant machine was created and configured by Udacity and was run using Virtualbox on my machine.
- Download Vagrant at
- Download Virtualbox at
- Download the vagrant machine at
- From a terminal, within the vagrant subdirectory run the command vagrant up
- Once it's finished installing run vagrant ssh to log in
- The vagrant file on your desktop and within the machine are the same, copy the files you want to run into this directory and run them
- In our case, copy the file contents of this github inside, run the file
Once you have the vagrant machine, or linux server of your choice running, run the file using python3.
Open up a web browser and navigate to https://localhost:8000 to connect to the server.
This program uses a google client ID and secret ID specific to my subscription. You must sign up on Google API's to get your own google client ID in order to have the google Authentication to work properly.
The app runs using OAuth2 authentication utilizing Google's API for this. To edit the database within the browser, you must be logged in through the login button at the top of the page. Local permissions are also activated. This means that you cannot edit something within the database that someone else has created.