A comprehensive merchandise management platform for college clubs, streamlining the process of selling and purchasing merchandise for clubs such as Chess Club, Computer Coding Club, Enactus, etc.
Clone this GitHub repository - UniThreads
Install all dependent npm packages for both folders.
npm install
Create a MongoDB database
If running locally update the DATABASE with your connection string in a .env file in the projbackend folder. An example of the .env file ->
Projbackend .env ->
DATABASE = mongodb://localhost:27017/**** PORT = 8000 SECRET = *****
Projfrontend .env ->
REACT_APP_BACKEND =http://localhost:PORT/api/
If running on a server or hosting platform add the DATABASE with connection string to the environment variables.
Turn on the mongod, mongo commands in the command prompt and use RoBo3T to access the Database.
- Website - https://unithreads.netlify.app/
Thank You!