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SchemaRegistry provides a central repository for a message’s metadata. A schema specifies the message structure and type. Schema Registry will allow us to store these schemas efficiently and provides a pluggable serializerserializer interfaces and run-time provision of serializer/deserializer implementations based on incoming messages. Schema registry will also enable reuse/discovery/authoring/collaboration related to schemas.

Each Schema is mainly represented with metadata like

  • name
    • name of the schema which is unique across the schema registry.
  • type
    • Represents the type of schema. For ex Avro, ProtoBuf, Json etc
  • schemaGroup
    • group of schemas in which this schema belongs to. It can be like Kafka, Hive, Spark or system log etc
  • compatibility
    • Compatibility between different versions of the schema.
  • description
    • Description about the different versions of a schema.

Each of these schemas can evolve with multiple versions. Each version of the Schema can have

  • schemaText
    • Textual representation of schema
  • description
    • Description about this version


Compatibility of different versions of a schema can be configured with any of the below values

  • Backward
    • It indicates that new version of a schema would be compatible with earlier version of that schema. That means the data written from earlier version of the schema, can be deserialized with a new version of the schema.
  • Forward
    • It indicates that an existing schema is compatible with subsequent versions of the schema. That means the data written from new version of the schema can still be read with old version of the schema.
  • Full
    • It indicates that a new version of the schema provides both backward and forward compatibilities.
  • None
    • There is no compatibility between different versions of a schema.



  1. Download the latest release from here
  2. registry server can start with in-memory store or a persistent store like mysql. To setup with mysql please follow the instructions here.
  3. To start with in-memory store.
    cp $REGISTRY_HOME/conf/registry.yaml.inmemory.example $REGISTRY_HOME/conf/registry.yaml
    # start the server in fore-ground
    $REGISTRY_HOME/bin/registry-server-start conf/registry.yaml
    # To start in daemon mode
    sudo ./bin/registry start
  1. Access the UI at

SchemaRegistry UI

Running Kafka Example

SchemaRegistry makes it very easy to integrate with Kafka, Storm and Nifi and any other systems. We've an example code on how to integrate with kafka [here] (

To run this example, follow the steps below

Download and Start Apache Kafka

  1. Download kafka or higher
  2. $KAFKA_HOME/bin/ config/
  3. $KAFKA_HOME/bin/ config/
  4. $KAFKA_HOME/bin/ --zookeeper localhost:2181 --topic truck_events_stream --partitions 1 --replication-factor 1 --create

Run producer to register schema and send data

  1. cd $REGISTRY_HOME/examples/schema-registry/avro
  2. To send messages to topic "truck_events_stream"
java -jar avro-examples-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar -d data/truck_events.csv -p data/kafka-producer.props -sm -s data/truck_events.avsc

Kafka Produer Integration with SchemaRegistry

  1. Any client integration code must make a dependency on schema-registry-serdes

  2. For KafkaProducer, user need to add the following config

  config.put(ProducerConfig.BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS_CONFIG, bootstrapServers);
  config.putAll(Collections.singletonMap(, props.get(SCHEMA_REGISTRY_URL)));
  config.put(ProducerConfig.KEY_SERIALIZER_CLASS_CONFIG, StringSerializer.class.getName());
  config.put(ProducerConfig.VALUE_SERIALIZER_CLASS_CONFIG, KafkaAvroSerializer.class.getName());

Important settings from above are

schema.registry.url, this should set to where the registry server is running ex: http://localhost:9090/api/v1

key.serializer & value.serializer. In example above we are setting value.serializer to com.hortonworks.registries.schemaregistry.serdes.avro.kafka.KafkaAvroSerializer

This serializer has integration with schema registry. It will take the producer config and retrieves schema.registry.url and the topic name to find out the schema. If there is no schema defined it will publish a first version of that schema.

Run consumer to retrieve schema and deserialze the messages

  1. cd $REGISTRY_HOME/examples/schema-registry/avro
  2. To consume messages from topic "truck_events_stream"
java -jar avro-examples-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar -cm -c data/kafka-consumer.props
press ctrl + c to stop

Kafka Consumer Integration with SchemaRegistry

  1. For KafkaConsumer, user need to add the following to config
 config.put(ConsumerConfig.BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS_CONFIG, bootstrapServers);
 config.putAll(Collections.singletonMap(, props.get(SCHEMA_REGISTRY_URL)));
 config.put(ConsumerConfig.KEY_DESERIALIZER_CLASS_CONFIG, StringDeserializer.class.getName());
 config.put(ConsumerConfig.VALUE_DESERIALIZER_CLASS_CONFIG, KafkaAvroDeserializer.class.getName());

Important settings from above are

schema.registry.url, this should set to where the registry server is running ex: http://localhost:9090/api/v1

key.deserializer & value.deserializer. In example above we are setting value.deserializer to com.hortonworks.registries.schemaregistry.serdes.avro.kafka.KafkaAvroDeserializer

This deserializer tries to find in the message paylod. If it finds, makes a call to schemaregistry to fetch the avro schema. If it doesn't find it falls back to using topic name to fetch a schema.

API examples

Using schema related APIs

Below set of code snippets explain how SchemaRegistryClient can be used for

  • registering new versions of schemas
  • fetching registered schema versions
  • registering serializers/deserializers
  • fetching serializer/deserializer for a given schema
Map<String, Object> config = new HashMap<>();
config.put(SchemaRegistryClient.Options.SCHEMA_REGISTRY_URL, "http://localhost:8080/api/v1");
config.put(SchemaRegistryClient.Options.CLASSLOADER_CACHE_SIZE, 10);
config.put(SchemaRegistryClient.Options.CLASSLOADER_CACHE_EXPIRY_INTERVAL_MILLISECS, 5000L);

schemaRegistryClient = new SchemaRegistryClient(config);

String schemaFileName = "/device.avsc";
String schema1 = getSchema(schemaFileName);
SchemaMetadata schemaMetadata = createSchemaMetadata("com.hwx.schemas.sample-" + System.currentTimeMillis());

// registering a new schema
Integer v1 = schemaRegistryClient.addSchemaVersion(schemaMetadata, new SchemaVersion(schema1, "Initial version of the schema"));"Registered schema [{}] and returned version [{}]", schema1, v1);

// adding a new version of the schema
String schema2 = getSchema("/device-next.avsc");
SchemaVersion schemaInfo2 = new SchemaVersion(schema2, "second version");
Integer v2 = schemaRegistryClient.addSchemaVersion(schemaMetadata, schemaInfo2);"Registered schema [{}] and returned version [{}]", schema2, v2);

//adding same schema returns the earlier registered version
Integer version = schemaRegistryClient.addSchemaVersion(schemaMetadata, schemaInfo2);"");

// get a specific version of the schema
String schemaName = schemaMetadata.getName();
SchemaVersionInfo schemaVersionInfo = schemaRegistryClient.getSchemaVersionInfo(new SchemaVersionKey(schemaName, v2));

// get latest version of the schema
SchemaVersionInfo latest = schemaRegistryClient.getLatestSchemaVersionInfo(schemaName);"Latest schema with schema key [{}] is : [{}]", schemaMetadata, latest);

// get all versions of the schema
Collection<SchemaVersionInfo> allVersions = schemaRegistryClient.getAllVersions(schemaName);"All versions of schema key [{}] is : [{}]", schemaMetadata, allVersions);

// finding schemas containing a specific field
SchemaFieldQuery md5FieldQuery = new SchemaFieldQuery.Builder().name("md5").build();
Collection<SchemaVersionKey> md5SchemaVersionKeys = schemaRegistryClient.findSchemasByFields(md5FieldQuery);"Schemas containing field query [{}] : [{}]", md5FieldQuery, md5SchemaVersionKeys);

SchemaFieldQuery txidFieldQuery = new SchemaFieldQuery.Builder().name("txid").build();
Collection<SchemaVersionKey> txidSchemaVersionKeys = schemaRegistryClient.findSchemasByFields(txidFieldQuery);"Schemas containing field query [{}] : [{}]", txidFieldQuery, txidSchemaVersionKeys);

Default serializer and deserializer APIs.

Default serializer and deserializer for a given schema provider can be retrieved with the below APIs.

// for avro,
AvroSnapshotSerializer serializer = schemaRegistryClient.getDefaultSerializer(AvroSchemaProvider.TYPE);
AvroSnapshotDeserializer deserializer = schemaRegistryClient.getDefaultDeserializer(AvroSchemaProvider.TYPE);

Using serializer and deserializer related APIs

Registering serializer and deserializer is done with the below steps

  • Upload jar file which contains serializer and deserializer classes and its dependencies
  • Register serializer/deserializer
  • Map serializer/deserializer with a registered schema.
  • Fetch Serializer/Deserializer and use it to marshal/unmarshal payloads.
Uploading jar file
String serdesJarName = "/serdes-examples.jar";
InputStream serdesJarInputStream = SampleSchemaRegistryApplication.class.getResourceAsStream(serdesJarName);
if (serdesJarInputStream == null) {
    throw new RuntimeException("Jar " + serdesJarName + " could not be loaded");

String fileId = schemaRegistryClient.uploadFile(serdesJarInputStream);
Register serializer and deserializer
String simpleSerializerClassName = "com.hortonworks.schemaregistry.samples.serdes.SimpleSerializer";
SerDesInfo serializerInfo = new SerDesInfo.Builder()
                                            .description("simple serializer")
Long serializerId = schemaRegistryClient.addSerializer(serializerInfo);

String simpleDeserializerClassName = "com.hortonworks.schemaregistry.samples.serdes.SimpleDeserializer";
SerDesInfo deserializerInfo = new SerDesInfo.Builder()
        .description("simple deserializer")
Long deserializerId = schemaRegistryClient.addDeserializer(deserializerInfo);
Map serializer/deserializer with a schema
// map serializer and deserializer with schemakey
// for each schema, one serializer/deserializer is sufficient unless someone want to maintain multiple implementations of serializers/deserializers
String schemaName = ...
schemaRegistryClient.mapSchemaWithSerDes(schemaName, serializerId);
schemaRegistryClient.mapSchemaWithSerDes(schemaName, deserializerId);
Marshal and unmarshal using the registered serializer and deserializer for a schema
SnapshotSerializer<Object, byte[], SchemaMetadata> snapshotSerializer = getSnapshotSerializer(schemaKey);
String payload = "Random text: " + new Random().nextLong();
byte[] serializedBytes = snapshotSerializer.serialize(payload, schemaInfo);

SnapshotDeserializer<byte[], Object, SchemaMetadata, Integer> snapshotDeserializer = getSnapshotDeserializer(schemaKey);
Object deserializedObject = snapshotDeserializer.deserialize(serializedBytes, schemaInfo, schemaInfo);"Given payload and deserialized object are equal: "+ payload.equals(deserializedObject));