This is implementation of PageFactory framework with Appium for Android device.
Current framework provide basic implementation of PageFactory frame and demonstrated on native android application.
- Android SDK
- Appium
- Maven (For managing dependencies)
- Eclipse
- Install from git
- Run "mvn clean install" from project directory
- Run as testNG from eclipse
- apk Name: ApiDemos-debug.apk
- apk Location: /src/test/resources
- Type of Application: Native
- Gesture Simulated: Swipe/Scroll
- apk Name: selendroid-test-app.apk
- apk Location: /src/test/resources
- Type of Application: Hybrid
- Gesture Simulated: Swipe/Scroll
- apk Name: employee-directory.apk
- apk Location: /src/test/resources
- Type of Application: Hybrid
- Gesture Simulated: Swipe/Scroll
- apk Name: N/A
- apk Location: N/A
- Type of Application: Mobile app
(Tip: Mobile web can be simulated in machine's firefox browsers and recorded script using Selenium IDE. "User Agent Overrider" plug in required to be download, which emulate mobile site in firefox browser.)
To be done
( Note: All scripts have been tested on real device (Nexus 5))