This repository contains the JavaFX renderer for Processing 4, also known as FX2D
The JavaFX binaries have grown very large in size so this was a necessary step to avoid making the Processing download excessively large, given that not everyone uses JavaFX. More discussion/explanation here.
This version of the JavaFX library will be required for FX2D
sketches starting with 4.0 beta 4.
The build script creates a very large download (hundreds of megabytes), because Processing supports several platforms (3 officially, 3 more unofficially) and we want to make it easy to use all of them. This is an acceptable tradeoff for a standalone library like this, but if you want a smaller build, you have options:
<antcall target="retrieve-gluon">
stanzas for platforms you don't care about. -
Un-comment the
<!-- <exclude name="**/*jfxwebkit.*" /> -->
line so that the WebKit library is removed.
These are not done by default because we've seen projects that (1) run on all those platforms, and (2) use the full browser implementation available with the WebKit support. Again, because this is an optional download, this seems the correct tradeoff.
Roll the version/revision numbers in
Tag the latest and push
git tag -a rev1280 -m 'Revision 1280 (Processing 4.0b5)' git push origin --tags
Delete the previous
taggit tag -d latest git push origin :refs/tags/latest
Create new
tag with the current state of the repogit tag -f -a latest -m 'Revision 1280 (Processing 4.0b5)' git push -f --tags
Create the distribution
ant dist
Then upload dist/ and dist/processing4-javafx.txt to the
tag on Github. Can also upload them to the tag for the current version, for anyone installing manually. -
Add changes in MarkDown format to the release: