** Elm 0.19 fork of danyx23/elm-dropzone **
Provides helpers to make it easy to add a "dropzone" into an elm webapp.
type alias Model =
{ dropZone : DropZone.Model -- this is the dropzone model you need to store
, ... -- other parts of your model
init : Model
init =
{ dropZone = DropZone.init
, ... -- init other parts
type Msg
= DropZoneMsg (DropZone.DropZoneMessage (List FileReader.NativeFile))
| .. -- other actions
update : Msg -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Msg)
update message model =
case message of
-- Drop is the only message that you will want to handle yourself as well
DropZoneMessage (Drop files) ->
( { model -- Make sure to update the DropZone model
| dropZone = DropZone.update (Drop files) model.dropZone
, .. -- maybe store the files in your own model
, files = files
, Cmd.none
DropZoneMessage a ->
-- These are the other DropZone actions that are not exposed,
-- but you still need to hand it to DropZone.update so
-- the DropZone model stays consistent
( { model | dropZone = DropZone.update a model.dropZone }
, Cmd.none
.. -- other action handling here
Here the important thing is that you are in full control of rendering your dropzone. All you need to do to make sure it works as a DropZone is add the attributes you get from a call to dropZoneEventHandlers. If you like you can use the isHovering method to render your dropzone differently when the user is hovering over it with a DnD operation.
dropZoneEventHandlers takes a Json.decoder to extract the "payload" from the native JS drop event. We use the FileReader.parseDroppedFiles here to extract a List of native JS File objects.
-- Write a function that renders your dropzone and use dropzoneEventHandlers to
-- turn it into a dropzone.
dropZoneView : Model -> Html msg
dropZoneView model =
( (hoveringDependentStyles model.dropZoneModel)
:: dropZoneEventHandlers jsonFileDecoder)
hoveringDependentStyles : DropZone.Model -> Html.Attribute msg
hoveringDependentStyles dropZoneModel =
if (DropZone.isHovering dropZoneModel) then
style [( "border", "3px dashed red")]
style [( "border", "3px dashed steelblue")]
Where jsonFileDecoder
can translate the FileList json object. The Elm Json Decode Library "oneOrMore" function has an example on how you could write a decoder for the FileList returned from drop event. Or see the example/....
by Daniel Bachler, Simon Hampton