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** This project has been archived and is no longer being maintained. **

Generate great websites for your projects with zero configuration.

Landr is balena's static site generator that helps edge developers and product builders create quick, usable websites. It uses open source standards, so that as long as the developer uses those conventions, they'll get a nice site. This means they can focus on building their product rather than maintaining their site, blog posts, docs, and versioning.

Our popular test sites in the wild include balenaSound and balenaSense, with more tests to come. We're also testing Landr sites for some balenaBlocks.

Landr is alpha software and its under heavy development, so various things might be broken in its best case! We warmly welcome new, detailed issues and contributions to help us improve Landr.


  • Fast, functional Websites: Landr renders your project and its documentation in a gorgeous and UX-friendly way to your end users, so you can focus on shipping features.
  • Follows OSS Conventions: Landr understands most common repository conventions, and fully makes use of them. Build a great repository and get a great website for it: its a win-win!
  • Fully Automatic: Landr requires zero configuration. It's smart enough to figure out what it needs on its own. Point it to a repository, hold tight, and let Landr do its magic.


  1. Install the Landr CLI:
    npm install --global landr
  2. Go to a Balena CI powered repo:
    cd path/to/repository
  3. Generate your website:

Head over to our docs!


Creating a website for a project can be hard and time-consuming. Landr aims to simplify how developers can quickly create usable, beautiful websites to share their projects with the world. It does so with open source standards in mind and with zero overhead.

Build a great, well-structured project and let Landr build you a great site.


$ npm install -g landr
$ landr COMMAND
running command...
$ landr (-v|--version|version)
landr/6.16.0 darwin-x64 node-v12.18.3
$ landr --help [COMMAND]
  $ landr COMMAND


landr build

Build a static site using landr

  $ landr build

  -d, --deploy         Deploy the site to netlify after generating it
  -m, --meta=meta      The location of the meta file used to generate your landr site
  -o, --output=output  The output directory where we should generate your landr site
  -v, --verbose        Run in verbose mode

  Build a static site using landr into a local directory.
  By default this command will look for a meta.json file in the current directory
  to use as data for generating the site. The location of the data file can be
  specified using the -m flag.
  By default the site will be written to a folder named landr-dist in the current
  directory. The location that the site will be written to can be specified using
  the -o flag.
  You can also optionally deploy your site to netlfiy using the -d flag. Deploying
  to netlify relies on providing the NETLIFY_AUTH_TOKEN env var.

See code: lib/cli/commands/build.js

landr help [COMMAND]

display help for landr

  $ landr help [COMMAND]

  COMMAND  command to show help for

  --all  see all commands in CLI

See code: @oclif/plugin-help

landr meta

Generate a meta file

  $ landr meta

  -o, --output=output  The output path where the metadata should be written

  Generate a meta file that contains all the information landr needs to generate a site.

See code: lib/cli/commands/meta.js


Getting Help

If you're having any problem, please raise an issue on GitHub and the Landr team will be happy to help.


Do you want to help make Landr better? Take a look at our Contributing Guide. Hope to see you around!


Landr is free software, and may be redistributed under the terms specified in the license.