Fast and cheap sql builder.
- Mysql
- Postgresql (Work in progress)
Because writing SQL in Go is boring.
Use go get
to install v2
$ go get
You could see the examples directory.
Import package
import (
v2 ""
- Simple select
// Produces SELECT a1, a2, a3 FROM client
query, _ := v2.Select().Col("a1, a2, a3").From("client").Build()
r, error := db.Query(query)
- Select/join/where/shuffled
// Produces SELECT a1, a2, ? AS diez, colIf1, colIf2, ? AS zero, a3, ? AS cien FROM client c JOIN addresses a ON a.id_cliente = a.id_cliente JOIN phones p ON p.id_cliente = c.id_cliente JOIN mailes m ON m.id_cliente = m.id_cliente AND c.estado_cliente = ? LEFT JOIN left_joined lj ON lj.a1 = c.a1 WHERE a1 = ? AND a2 = ? AND a3 = 10 AND a16 = ?
// with params = []any{10, 0, 100, 0, "'last name'", 1000.54, 75}
query, params := v2.Select().
Where("a1 = ?", "'last name'").
Col("a1, a2, ? AS diez", 10).
Col(`colIf1, colIf2, ? AS zero`, 0).
Col("a3, ? AS cien", 100).
Where("a2 = ?", 1000.54).
And("a3 = 10").And("a16 = ?", 75).
Join("addresses a ON a.id_cliente = a.id_cliente").
Join("phones p").On("p.id_cliente = c.id_cliente").
Join("mailes m").On("m.id_cliente = m.id_cliente").
And("c.estado_cliente = ?", 0).
LeftJoin("left_joined lj").On("lj.a1 = c.a1").
From("client c").
r, error := db.Query(query, params...)
Note that in this example we purposely shuffled the order of the clauses and yet the query was built correctly
- Conditional elements
Sometimes we need to check for a condition to build dynamic sql
This example adds the column name
to the query only if the variable shouldAddName
is true.
query, _ := v2.Select().
Col("a1, a2, a3").
ColIf(shouldAddName, "name")
// Produces "SELECT a1, a2, a3 FROM client" when shouldAddName is false
// Produces "SELECT a1, a2, a3, name FROM client" when shouldAddName is true
This also can be applied to joins.
query, _ := v2.Select().
From("client c").
Join("addresses a").On("a.client_id = c.client_id").
JoinIf(shouldGetPhones, "phones p ON p.client_id = c.client_id").
// Produces "SELECT * FROM client c JOIN a.client_id = c.client_id" if shouldGetPhones is false
// Produces "SELECT * FROM client c JOIN a.client_id = c.client_id JOIN phones p ON p.client_id = c.client_id" " if shouldGetPhones is true
And boolean connectors
query, _ := v2.Select().
From("client c").
Where("c.status = 0").AndIf(shouldFilterByCountry, "country = 'CL'").
// Produces "SELECT * FROM client c WHERE c.status = 0" when shouldFilterByCountry is false
// Produces "SELECT * FROM client c WHERE c.status = 0 AND country = 'CL'" when shouldFilterByCountry is true
- Params
You can add params to almost any clause
query, params := v2.Select().
Col("name, mail, ? AS max_credit", 1000000).
From("client c").
Where("c.status = 0").And("country = ?", "CL").
Limit("?", "100").Build()
- Simple delete
query, _ := v2.Delete().From("client").Build()
// Produces "DELETE FROM client"
- Simple del where
query, _ := v2.Delete().From("client").Where("client_id = 100").Build()
// Produces "DELETE FROM client WHERE client_id = 100"
- Like with Select you can use parameters and conditionals with Delete
query, params := v2.Delete().From("client").Where("client_id = ?", 100).Build()
// Produces "DELETE FROM client WHERE client_id = ?"
query, params := v2.Delete().From("client").Where("1=1").AndIf(filterByClient, "client_id = ?", 100).Build()
// Produces "DELETE FROM client WHERE 1=1" when filterByClient is false
// Produces "DELETE FROM client WHERE 1=1 AND client_id = ?" when filterByClient is true
- Simple update
query, _ := v2.Update("client").Set("status = 0").Build()
// Produces UPDATE client SET status = 0
- Update/where/order/limit
query, _ := v2.Update("client").
Set("status = 0").
Where("status = ?", 1).
- You can use obreron to build an update/join query
query, _ := v2.Update("business AS b").
Join("business_geocode AS g").On("b.business_id = g.business_id").
Set("b.mapx = g.latitude, b.mapy = g.longitude").
Where("(b.mapx = '' or b.mapx = 0)").
And("g.latitude > 0").
// Produces "UPDATE business AS b JOIN business_geocode AS g ON b.business_id = g.business_id SET b.mapx = g.latitude, b.mapy = g.longitude WHERE (b.mapx = '' or b.mapx = 0) AND g.latitude > 0"
- You can use obreron to build an update/select query
query, _ := v2.Update("items").
ColSelect(Select().Col("id, retail / wholesale AS markup, quantity").From("items"), "discounted").
Set("items.retail = items.retail * 0.9").
Where("discounted.markup >= 1.3").
And("discounted.quantity < 100").
And(" =").
// Produces UPDATE items ,( SELECT id, retail / wholesale AS markup, quantity FROM items ) discounted SET items.retail = items.retail * 0.9 WHERE discounted.markup >= 1.3 AND discounted.quantity < 100 AND =
- Simple insert
query, params := Iv2.nsert().
Col("name, value", "'some name'", "''").
// Produces "INSERT INTO client ( name, value ) VALUES ( ?, ? )"
- insert select
query, params := v2.Insert().
ColSelect("name, location, gid",
Col("name, location, 1").
Where("cid = 2")
// Produces "INSERT INTO courses ( name, location, gid ) SELECT name, location, 1 FROM courses WHERE cid = 2"
You can add others clauses using the Clause
query, params := v2.Insert().Clause("IGNORE", "")
Col("name, value", "'some name'", "''").
// Produces "INSERT IGNORE INTO client ( name, value ) VALUES ( ?, ? )"
The Clause
method always will inject the clause after the last uses building command