Since CakePHP 2.0 you can use custom authentication objects to integrate social network authentication in your web app.
After you have your basic cake setup running, create a database for your users and bake your models, views and controllers.
CREATE TABLE `users` (
`username` char(50) DEFAULT NULL,
`password` char(40) DEFAULT NULL,
$ ./Console/cake bake model user
$ ./Console/cake bake controller user --public
$ ./Console/cake bake view user
To get the auth component working you have to set it up in the users controller (or app controller for application-wide auth).
public $components = array(
You need to create a login and logout action, as well as a login view.
public function login() {
if ($this->request->is('post') || $this->request->is('get')) {
// facebook requests a csrf protection token
if (!($csrf_token = $this->Session->read("state"))) {
$csrf_token = md5(uniqid(rand(), TRUE));
$this->Session->write("state",$csrf_token); //CSRF protection
// login
if ($this->Auth->login()) {
return $this->redirect($this->Auth->redirect());
} else {
$this->Session->setFlash(__('Your login failed'), 'default', array(), 'auth');
function logout(){
$this->Session->setFlash('Logged out.');
Create links/forms to give the user the possibility to chose a authentication service in your login.ctp view. The openID authentification can be used for multiple services (myOpenId, google, yahoo etc.), you just have to change the openid url.
<h1>Sign in</h1>
<p>Sign in with one of the services below.</p>
<a href="
state=<?php echo $csrfToken; ?>&
scope=email">Login with Facebook</a>
echo $this->Form->create('User', array('type' => 'post', 'action' => 'login'));
echo $this->Form->hidden('Twitter.login', array('label' => false,'value' => '1'));
echo $this->Form->submit("Login with twitter",array('label' => false));
echo $this->Form->end();
<h2>OpenID - MyOpenID</h2>
echo $this->Form->create('User', array('type' => 'post', 'action' => 'login'));
echo $this->Form->hidden('OpenidUrl.openid', array('label' => false,'value' => ''));
echo $this->Form->submit("login with openid",array('label' => false,));
echo $this->Form->end();
<h2>OpenID - Google</h2>
echo $this->Form->create('User', array('type' => 'post', 'action' => 'login'));
echo $this->Form->hidden('OpenidUrl.openid', array('label' => false,'value' => ''));
echo $this->Form->submit("login with googles openid",array('label' => false,));
echo $this->Form->end();
<h2>OpenID - Yahoo</h2>
echo $this->Form->create('User', array('type' => 'post', 'action' => 'login'));
echo $this->Form->hidden('OpenidUrl.openid', array('label' => false,'value' => ''));
echo $this->Form->submit("login with yahoos openid",array('label' => false,));
echo $this->Form->end();
Create a folder named Auth in your app/Controller/Component directory. Copy the FacebookAuthenticate.php file into the Folder. Add your app id and secret and the url of your login action in the settings array. You can create an app on
var $settings = array(
"app_id" => "your_app_id",
"app_secret" => "your_app_secret",
"url" => "http://connect.local/users/login"
Finally add the custom authentication object to the auth component in our users controller. You can do this in a beforeFilter callback:
function beforeFilter() {
$this->Auth->authenticate = array(
AuthComponent::ALL => array('userModel' => 'User'),
Now you should be able to login to your webapp with facebook. Just open the users/index action in your browser and click on the facebook link.
Troubleshooting: Be sure that your Facebook app configuration is correct, facebook allows authentication only from the url saved in the app-config.
note: The code in TwitterAuthenticate.php is pretty much an implementation of the oauth example given on
Copy the TwitterAuthenticate.php file into the app/Controller/Component Folder. Add your app id and secret and the url of your login action (this time with the twitter_callback parameter) in the settings array. You can create an app on
var $settings = array(
"app_id" => "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"app_secret" => "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"url" => "http://connect.local/users/login?twitter_callback=1"
To use Twitters OAuth mechanism we have to load some extern classes. Daniel Hofstetter has written a simple OAuth consumer class for CakePHP. You can download it from The consumer class itself requires the PHP library for OAuth by Andy Smith, which is included in the download. Extract the two php-files to app/Vendor/OAuth/.
Now add the custom authentication object to the auth component in our users controller. Extend the beforeFilter callback:
function beforeFilter() {
$this->Auth->authenticate = array(
AuthComponent::ALL => array('userModel' => 'User'),
Now you should be able to login to your webapp with twitter.
note: OpenidAuthenticate.php uses much of the code of the OpenId example given on
Copy the OpenidAuthenticate.php file into the app/Controller/Component Folder. Now change the settings array: realm has to be the base url of your web app, return_to the url of your login action.
var $settings = array(
"realm" => "http://connect.local",
"return_to" => "http://connect.local/users/login"
To use the OpenID mechanism we have to load the PHP OpenID library by JanRain, get it here: Extract the whole Auth-folder to your app/Vendor directory. Now add the custom authentication object to the auth component in our users controller. Extend the beforeFilter callback:
function beforeFilter() {
$this->Auth->authenticate = array(
AuthComponent::ALL => array('userModel' => 'User'),
Now you should be able to login to your webapp with any OpenId service. The users/login view implements google openID, yahoo openID and myOpenID. Yust change the url in the form to add another service.