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Communication Team

Adam Crymble edited this page Nov 24, 2020 · 12 revisions

In order to improve the communication strategies of The Programming Historian the Communications Team was created in June 2019.

Communication Manager

The Communication Manager's role is defined as "Responsible for managing and developing communication channels".

In order to ensure that the Communication Manager process is smooth and organized, this page provides details that the team should consult each time a new communication or outreach process is incorporated or a handover is due to take place.

The Communication Manager is in charge of:

  • The @ProgHist Twitter account
  • Adding new editorial members as team members in the Twitter account
  • Thinking about ways to do outreach beyond Twitter
  • Sending an informational email to DH mailing lists twice a year
  • Helping the team understand how to promote the project better
  • Finding funds to have stickers and other things for conferences
  • Having ownership of the blog to:
    • decide how regularly we publish
    • publish a post with updates every three months
    • improve its usability
  • Ensure the multilingual setup of the communication strategies
  • Edit The Programming Historian Wikipedia page
  • The form and content of the website

Team Development Manager

The Team Development Manager is the human resources wing of the project, responsible for ensuring that everyone on the team is well supported and able to contribute actively in a way that works for them. This person will be responsible for "onboarding" new members of the team (except for new publications, which are the remit of the 'new publications manager'), and for helping them find tasks that let them build their autonomy and contribute to the project. They are also responsible for ensuring no member has more than two "roles" within the project.

They will also be responsible for managing sabbatical checklists, re-integration after sabbaticals, and transitioning people off of the project due to retirement.

Project Manager at Large

The role of the Project Manager at Large is to keep the team focused on achieving its goals. In practical terms this involves running the bi-monthly Skype calls of the project team, and ensuring open tickets are actioned efficiently and in a reasonable time span. Their job includes identifying a need for extra support or assigning unassigned tickets to someone on the team for actioning. This vital role ensures that we continue to meet our objectives and work efficiently as a team. This is a monthly task.

Education Manager

The Education Manager is responsible for the overall educational aspects of The Programming Historian. This includes:

  • ensuring the educational character of the project
  • assessing and addressing the educational needs of diverse users and communities of practice
  • ensuring a creative, supportive, diverse and inclusive educational environment
  • enhancing the integration of its lessons into existing curricula
  • network The Programming Historian with other open educational initiatives

We have traditionally made these 1-year roles, from June to June. The following people have acted in the signaled capacity in the Communications Team and may be consulted for advice:

  • Communication Manager
    • Jennifer Isasi (April 2019- )
  • Education Manager
    • Anna-Maria Sichani (June 2019- )
  • Team Development Manager
    • Adam Crymble (2019-2020)
    • Abolished from 2021
  • Project Manager at Large
    • Maria José Afanador Llach

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