"Assignment: Build Connect4!"
- Build a game of Connect4
- Build it using TDD
- Refactor code using lessons from Refactoring: Ruby Edition by Fields Jay, Harvie Shane, Fowler Martin and Beck Kent, and 99 Bottles of OOP by Sandi Metz, Katrina Owen and TJ Stankus
- Have ZERO Rubocop alerts/warnings of any kind
- Post on TOP Discord to gain feedback. This is vital before attempting CHESS
Complete! All major refactorings finished. 100% there is major room for improvement in terms of overall design, but rubocop is at zero and I successfully applied refactoring techniques gained from the books above. It's a good step forward at least
View it live on replit: https://repl.it/@programmurr/SolidNoxiousExperiment#main.rb
- TDD coverage was not at 100% due to the
class andWinCheck
module created to assist the public API - I noticed that, when the project began, methods that would otherwise be private are being tested e.g.
- Is it necessary to make those methods private later, after testing, then change tests so that they only test public methods? Find out before starting Chess